jewoogle's Replies

lol good one idk i think it made the movie more realistic and badass. being rich isnt a high school drama class popularity contest like hollywood is, its about amassing lots of money and power so you can bang as many hookers as possible and do lots of blow. lots of time rich people look like shit from overindulging themselves. Jonah Hill fit this movie way more than Leo who i think did a good job but his prettyboy looks took away from the experience more than added to it if u ask me im sure its on the piratebay matey! arrrrrghhhhhhh!!! trolls made imdb badass. it was crybaby sjw libtards that ruined that site not the trolls.... i would still smash yeah that is true most liberals these days are acting more like commies probably talking about her bootyhole lol good one hollywood was always a propaganda machine used to degenerate America, now they just dont try to hide it anymore its never to late to get out of it. start living below your means and spend your money on experiences not things. you wont regret it dang the bay aint as bountiful as it used to be wish i download more stuff back in the day they are not edited he is a pedo dude youtube censorship was bad in 2016 but now it is ridiculously bad why are liberals the most racist, when they are supposed to be against that shit? i am an American but my parents are from Eastern Europe and that is the coolest place in the world. if you actually spend time there enjoying life maybe u wouldnt be so small minded any petty. of course most people talking shit about there are too busy slaving away in USA paying taxes and consuming overprices shit to ever travel the world and expand their minds yes these past ten years they really have not bin sneaky with it i was stuck watching that trash when i was a kiddo since my dad was to cheap to buy cable will always hate those shows with a passion this movie was ight but it aint nothing special like its all cracked up to be you would have to pay me to go to a baseball game. went to one when i was in indian guides (rip indian guides the sjw libtards made them change the name lol) and the most memorable part of the night was when on of the boys from the tribe dropped a milkshake 100 feet from the bleechers and the cops came up to investigate lol. man fun times, could give to shits about the bozos playing ball 25. reporting for duty yerp