Fillums21's Replies

123movies I a Google search. :) It was on one of those free-to-watch streaming services. Good. I've just watched the prequel 2011. I'll have to see a copy, cheers. As Dean said in several interviews, no one could be a drunk or an alcoholic and have such a successful career as he did. Yes, he liked to drink, but he was not a drunk. Haha. I have: Bitten by a Vampire. But threw it out. Somebody write a script. Haha, he was more or less the only one in it. But I love how it's Cast Away, and not Castaway. His love for his wife was cast away... Private Ryan, too gritty, too real, and sad for me. Cast Away is Hank's best movie, in my view. I agree. I'm currently up to watching series 2 (early episodes - 1976) and I am not enjoying series 2 as I did with series 1. You're right, killing the disabled man and then just putting it down as a 'mistake', and letting the real rapist/killer of the young woman REMAIN IN THE GROUP, I FOUND TOTALLY WEIRD. As with another episode in which a child KILLER was urged to stay STAY IN THE GROUP, and they all sympathized with him that he was no longer a danger, and Jenny even said she would miss him if he left the group. I found these scenes bizarre and wonder what the hell the writers were thinking. No, never. I just said that I didn't like the film, that's all. And then the mod replied saying I was stupid not to like it. HE was the one being obnoxious. Very strange person he was. He was probably better as a singer than as an actor. A hugely talented man. A long life, but RIP. Women wore all those undergarments back then. Corsets, slips, bulky bras, big bloomers. Stockings and suspender belts. High heels. None of it was for show. But I agree, none of it looks comfortable. I think I will. 😁