MovieChat Forums > John47 > Replies
John47's Replies
That is true, disney employees are living in a cartoon world not reality. Proberly each employee has a woke rainbow painted safe space room installed under their desks and they will hit the office alarm if someone uses the word merit.
If he ever decided to quit, he would just forget and carry on.
I agree.
If Biden is truly is as bad behind the scenes as he presents, then other people are running the show.
If a president is elected with specific powers and other people such as his cabinet are actually running the show, then this is in a sense disrespecting the democratic process. Ironically having a VP take charge during a term isn’t democratic ether, as she wasn’t voted in as president, but in the short term left, at least she will be making most of the executive decisions of a president.
Woke socialists are the biggest threat to the USA and other western countries, using marxist tactics to push their views and unfortunately it has had success.
Communists countries just laugh at us, because they know it divides us and makes us weaker.
Hey chumbawampa
You made some goods points.
Compared to the 80s, I think mental health awareness has improved, which is good. However it has been pushed by the media and in some work forces to the point that feeling down is a trigger to seek professional help, which does far more harm than good and is promoting hypochondria.
Social media has advantages if you are a well adjusted person, however I agree there are downsides. The internet generally having a high population of the planet connected, means you open yourself up to people you would never talk to let along want to meet. Comparing yourself to other people is not a great idea on the internet, especially if you think perception is reality.
Most western countries economies are slowing down as world growth is moving east, this wasn’t the case back then, so the fact we do not have booming economies and are constantly reminded by it doesn’t help in the media.
It is a shame diversity only works one way and is self defence mechanism used by people, who feel triggered by white people. In this case only being in relationships with the same race.
Do you really think non-white people are put under pressure to be in relationships with white people on TV and film?
I would say no, The X Files biggest weakness is having no lack of conclusion, or satisfying pay off. More episodes will be more of the same.
Most TV awards/film awards have gone woke, so Jeri winning was not based on merit.
If it did come back, it should be a limited series, it doesn't have any gas left for a full blown season.
One story that might be worth doing, is they try and rescue Castiel from the empty. As the empty said that even god had no authority there, it would give a new and dangerious challenge to them to find a way into this dimension, as going back to evil chuck, angels, demons, ghosts etc all these has been well and truly covered.
I agree.
Patrick Stewart is not really playing Picard in this show. I think this was a conscious decision on his part. The idea of bringing back the show's Picard character was never about doing it for the fans of Star Trek, but really about Patrick Stewart and the show writers using a known franchise as a platform, in order to get their political views about the world into entertainment.
I was a great fan of STNG and DS9, this show I simply do not accept as canon. Maybe one day the TNG will get a reboot as a TV series, hopefully by then the producers and writers will be looking at creating a mainstream entertainment show that honors what made it a good show in the first place.
Well the way I see it at least we got the TNG show out of Patrick Stewart, which was his best work.
This crap show, in which he seems to have forgotten how to play Picard can just be ignored. There is nothing more pathetic than bringing back classic TV franchises for the sole reason to promote woke ideas.
That is a great question. I think like a lot of professional sports people that live and breath their sport for so long with training and competing, when you retire it can be something of a shock to you. Finding something else in your life that can fill that void can be really challenging and more so if that is what you are really only good at.
While Apollo retired, he also retired knowing that if it wasn't for Rocky he may have gone on for longer as champion and this really got to him. In the fight when they could have stopped it, Apollo should have accepted defeat but like seagal72 said his ego ultimately was his downfall.
Great Thread! Mine are:
Sphere. this is one I almost walked out of.
Highlander II, while crap, this has to be the most bizarre sequel ever made! Were the writers on drugs?
Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What the hell happened to Luke Skywalker?
Spy Hard. Leslie Nielsen made many good spoof films, he should have quit while he was ahead.
Supergirl. Helen Slater was a great choice for Supergirl, but having a witch as a villain was not a great choice.
Superman 4. Terrible script, effects were not as good as the previous films. Sad way to finish the Christopher Reeve films.
I should have broken it down more, I meant as in woke. Star Trek at the core, was a humanist show. I have never had a problem with that. Picard is simply based on SJW ideas. if they didn't have a brand like Star Trek to leech off, this would have never got made.
I would say skip the first season, and start from season 2 where things start to pick up. Season 3 - 6 I think the show was at its best. season 7 wasn't bad, however I think they made the right decision stopping it there.
It is a shame what studios are doing these days, lets soft reboot, prequel or continue stories that had run their course. Really it comes down to continue the franchise so we don't have to risk making anything from scratch and milk the nostalgia cow.
And it is the case with a lot of new shows and films, if you get very left wing writers and producers/actors to make them, this is what happens.
I suppose I am dreaming here, but with deepfake being so good, maybe some YouTube people could do an unofficial TNG season 8 and give fans a show they deserve.