holly61's Posts

Ovarian cancer that has spread Never seen a movie filmed like this... The movie is such a disastrous mess Wimpy Emma Stone was the weakest link They should have been 14 Ten years after the elevator incident she's still with Jay Z A queer Indian guy became a rock star in the 70's? Her talent declined after girl interupted How can anyone be a fan of this woman? Theory: He wasn't that rich and he wasn't that successful Sci-Fi element aside, I think this movie is more an experience of mental illness Career was finished by the first pregnancy Dark side of the coon? They put someone like Lisa in a hospital in the 60's? Bullied out of a job on gossip girl No break out careers despite the "beautiful" cast Fat queen bee antagonist and dark skinned Indian girls is a NO Beautiful face but needs to lose about 50 pounds to be a true leading lady Her body controversy back in her heyday