filmgeek99's Posts

greatest deleted scenes of all time? she better start thinking about how to make up with Quentin... is it fair to admit that this guy is just a hack by this point? horror movies you've watched on Halloween before? he's a pretty bad director these days, let's be honest... better than the first film did Grawp really need to be in this? genuinely decent people from Hollywood? Sacha Baron Cohen has lost it Tony Scott's excuse for the visuals... is it official to say at this point that this is the most infamous bad movie ever made? Cliff Booth vs. the Bride anyone here fans of Bollywood cinema? stories of sociopaths you've met? overdone themes and ideas in movies? could Shelob be living on Skull Island? Catherine Tramell vs. Xenia Onatopp favorite comedy of 2004? Val Kilmer's Batman is weird