
RonC (37)


Spoiler - question I'd like to be you for a day...? 2019 season spoiler question View all posts >


Well, he wasn't "forced", he took on the assignment. With his intelligence, he could have done something far less risky. But yes, he found it hard to deal with. Sullivan - who was long groomed by Costigan and was under his thumb - had no choice but to be a mole. His stress manifested itself in a different way. Sullivan craved status and respectability more than Billy. I liked him in it. i wondered about the 2 cops Dignam and Ellerby - the former seemed very volatile and hotheaded for an undercover guy (more than Billy, it just seemed to be his natural way) and Ellerby seemed to be a smooth careerist who didn't actually accomplish anything much. It's interesting that Costello seems slightly disappointed that Billy wants to join him since, as you say, he respected his honest father. But he takes him on anyway and, as you say, trusts him. Though of course Billy is not QUITE who he presents himself to be - if Costello had figured out he was a cop he would have been killed. Or maybe Costello igured it out and didn't care since he was a protected informant and respected Billy's other qualities. Someone like French would've killed him regardless. Sullivan did show the stress of having to do what he did - he spent so long as Costello's boy that he had become corrupted. It does seem he craved respectability but Costello essentially reminded him, no chance. So yeah, he was all about self-preservation. He did get Costigan a hero's funeral (deserved) but that was also likely a way to make himself look good. Yes! And Costigan had a desire to prove himself - though given his obvious intelligence and the fact neither of his parents seemed to be criminals, I wonder what exactly he was trying to prove and to whom. Dignam seems to be implying it's a mystery even to Costigan. It's interesting that Costello seemed slightly disappointed that Costigan wanted to work for him - he respected Billy's father's honesty. As you say, Costello didn't respect Sullivan - maybe he took him for granted having moulded him for years and maybe Sullivan was too subservient - and, of course, willing to be a rat (just as well Sullivan made it through police academy, or what would've been the point of all those years invested by Costello!). Sullivan craved respectability and status in a way Billy didn't - people liked him, as you say: he was, ironically, more honest and selfless than his cop counterpart (taking on a dangerous undercover job - didn't seem to be just about the money). Barrigan saying, "Did you think you were the only one he had on the inside?" seems to indicate he knew Sullivan was a mole - as you say, keeping tabs on him. But not vice versa/ Costello did indicate he was concerned Sullivan might be succumbing to his desire to be respectable but reminded him who was boss. And as Billy taunted Sullivan, Costello trusted him more than he did his mole. Sullivan was less subtle in his homophobic slurs (after the game). Really laying it on even after the other team had gone. Something to hide maybe? I think Billy wanted the shrink to pass the tapes on to Dignam if he (Billy) died. As a former undercover cop he would likely know how to make it look like a gang hit. Sullivan might look like a dead hero but the shrink and Dignam would know the truth. Or if Dignam is really embittered he might release the tapes and shame the police department. Given Ellerby introduced Dignam as having done "extensive" undercover work and they had their little cuss-filled macho back and forth, there seems to be some respect there. Dignam might indeed have come back. Dignam was a hothead but presumably a good worker - maybe this has happened before and he just needed time to cool off. View all replies >