MovieChat Forums > cards24 > Replies
cards24's Replies
Don't be such a dumb ass. What kind of idiot not only goes to the board of a show he isn't caught up on, but goes to a thread ABOUT season 3? Blame yourself
You came to a thread that said "Just finished it all" about season 3. If youre too stupid not to think there will be spoilers, thats your fault. Use your head next time.
Best season so far. And I think they improved on stuff that was weak. Such as Demitri. I HATED him last season. Just plain obnoxious and irritating. This season, he was much better. Better acted, better written. The acting is pretty great all around. The actors for Hawk, Miguel, and Tory especially are good. And of course Zabka and Macchio are great. Macchio especially i think really got more to do this season to show how good of an actor he is.
Only small negative is the amount of crimes the kids commit in Cobra Kai is a little ridiculous. I find it hard to believe they'd all full blown break into Daniel's house and assault everyone there. Even for legit delinquents that's stupid. And Kreese trying to murder both Johnny and Daniel, like full blown kill them, was a little ridiculous. However, Daniel vs Kreese in the finale is also maybe the best moment of the whole series.
I also felt they could have done more with Robbie. I know lots of people don't like him, but I think they made him into too much of a bad guy. I wish they had touched more on the fact that he was the only one who tried to stop the school fight. He was the one who tried to be calm and say they could work it out. Obviously he still almost killed Miguel, but they could have done more with that.
Good. Tell him racists like him and you are disgusting
You're absolutely racist. You expect someone from Japan to speak perfect English. Thats awful. You're the guy that screams at people who are speaking another language to either speak English or get out. And your professor sounds like a racist asshole too.
The character was from Japan. Why do you hate Japanese people? How disgusting and racist of you
You expect someone who lived in Japan most of their life to speak perfect English. You're the racist one. You hate anyone who has an accent. How disgusting
He speaks bad English because his character is from fucking Japan
You realize the lead character and main protagonist of the show, is a straight white man? Kreese was also the villain in the original movie. 30 years ago. You see, this is a sequel. Kreese isn't a new character. He's a villain now because he was the villain then. Do you understand now?
Its not obvious at all. Other franchises mean nothing. This is its own franchise. And it would all depend on if the actors wanted to come back. Daniel Radcliffe has been asked before if he'd return, and what he basically says is, "Probably not, but I guess never say never".
Its possible they'd return, but not one of the main trio has openly expressed legit interest in it.
I absolutely think she was flawed. She took things too seriously. She spent too much time at work after the divorce, when the kids needed her the most. Not getting home until after 7 and sticking them with a housekeeper was wrong. I also said she went overboard with the custody. She should have made her own agreement with Daniel. Get his place situated, clean, and livable, within say a week, and she'll let him have the kids until she gets home from work. I also think it was weird she started dating so soon after the divorce. Or at least introducing Stu to her kids was weird. That would be a strange situation to have immediately after their parents split.
Want to try again? :)
Also, im genuinely curious, how do you criticize Stu for calling Daniel a loser to a friend, but you're okay with Daniel repeatedly mocking Stu to his face? And to Miranda? And to the kids? And vandalizing his car? And purposely slipping him something he's allergic to? You said you disagree with me about everything, so I'd love to hear your defense of Daniel for those actions.
1. She went overboard for sure. She could have been more understanding that her kids needed to see their dad, and made an arrangement. But Daniel's own kids point out he wasn't trying hard. Their first day together, he says some nasty things about her and his apartment is disgusting. Put some effort in.
Oh for God's sake. A birthday party is a privilege, not a right. You have no idea what was bad about his report card. It could have said he was fooling around and not trying. Would you really reward that? Its one thing if someone is genuinely giving their best effort. In all likelihood, he wasn't. She also brought home multiple presents and cake. They were still going to celebrate it. Just not a big party. And Daniel didn't just decide to have a couple friends over. He had God damn farm animals. The police were called. Neighbors were mad. The house was a mess. Daniel didn't have to have some ridiculous blowout party.
Oh boo freaking hoo. Stu told his friend, someone who didn't know Daniel at all, or the kids, that Daniel was a loser. So what? He didn't know Daniel was a massive creep and disguised as an old woman. How about you criticize Daniel for vandalizing Stu's car, constantly mocking Stu TO HIS FACE, and almost killing him?
Daniel had a history of losing jobs. If this was the only one he lost, okay. But he lost them constantly. And he probably made excuses for every one.
You give Daniel literally a pass on everything. The point of the movie is BOTH Miranda and Daniel were flawed.
It says a lot about you that you consider a grown man completely cutting off a teenagers air for a pretty long time and only stopped when forced to is "piddly". If you want, we can call it attempted murder then.
Lmao um no? To both? Christian Bale has the most screentime and Batman is on the main poster.
Heath Ledger is in no way the lead of The Dark Knight. Not even close. Just because he gives the best performance and owns his role doesn't make him the lead. It you had to pick a second lead, it'd be Aaron Eckhart. But Ledger? No. To compare him to Bette Midler and Tom Cruise in Collateral is just idiotic.
Even after he got "stabbed" by the killer in front of Sydney?
After discovering the tortured, mutilated, bloody corpse of an 8 year old boy. Not your typical murder. There isn't a jury on earth that would convict him. Extreme emotional distress is a valid defense. He witnessed a horrific, traumatic site, one that you can't even imagine having to see in person, and in the heat of the moment he snapped. You can whine about due process all you want. But Patrick gets due process too. And taking into account what he saw, he'd never be convicted if it was brought to trial.
It wasn't premeditated or planned out like all the acts the detective committed. And that's the difference between the two. And as we see, Patrick regrets it after.
I think what would have raised flags would be the markings the duct tape would leave over Sydney's dad, on his wrists and mouth. If he was tied up like that for that for hours and hours, the tape is going to leave VERY obvious markings on those spots. I think that would be immediately questioned, why the supposed killer was tied up and gagged for a long time.
Another thing is, and this just guessing because we don't know, but if he peed his pants while tied up. If he was tied up like that for 2 days, he'll had to have peed at least once, even if they gave him no water. Again that's just pure speculation since hey, maybe they let him use the bathroom, but I think its unlikely. But add the tape marks and the soiled clothes, and I think its immediately obvious the guy was held against his will for a long time, and Billy and Stu's explanation is immediately looked into.
But regardless, I agree with another poster that they definitely would have gotten caught, and thats the point. But we don't know how, all we can do is guess. But as smart as they thought their plan was, and it was a pretty good plan in theory, something like that is NEVER 100% perfect. Maybe the evidence ends up proving it. Maybe one of them slips in their statement. Maybe one of them tells someone. The bottom line is, these were two psychotic teenagers. They'd definitely make mistakes. As we see right in the movie, they screw up a bunch at the end. Gale not being dead. Dewey not being dead. Billy stabbing Stu too deeply. Letting Sydney escape. Mistake after mistake.
They said he was the younger brother of one of their classmates. They probably saw him often enough that way.
Yeah not a fan