Heretic's Replies

Apparently you weren't paying attention because one of the women even calls him out in the movie in the exact scene. Something to the effect of "You know what, you talk about things they have in common but ignore the differences like this guy having a freakin' bird head!". Religulous has a similar scene that does outright lie which is why it's relevant. It is clearly an homage to it given how the cuts are done. Yes, he was lying about everything. He was lying about his wife being there. He was lying about some of the things happening. He was lying about the house. He was lying about his intentions. He was lying about the pie. He was lying about not improvising. He was lying about how the girls hadn't come by when the church elder investigated. Et cetera. This was a very central part of the plot and you must've not been paying attention very well if you didn't pick up on this. The "iterations" were in some cases misleading, much like a similar scene in Bill Maher's "Religulous", though this was one was far more accurate and well done. Still quite an exaggeration, which is why he started to switch rapidly between figures to hide some of the deception. That is correct. It was called IMDB v2. Hence why Monkey's forum is named V1 cheekily, even though it was made after. Basically the mod of V2 stepped down, and the new mod nuked the site. Yes. He has his forum. "Anyone who genuinely researches all the world's religions and sects ( and comes to the conclusion that there is a single, overarching principle that all of them are actually about, one that is purely social in basis and not at all spiritual or psychological, isn't being honest." Um, it's not exactly like Reed was an honest character. He literally spent the entire movie lying to them about everything. You know, it's not like that technology was saving the race of aliens. Maybe they were attacked specifically because they had developed it? They were on the verge of extinction. This is an excellent review. Personally, I think this is the best horror film in years. The time flew by while I was watching it. It keeps you guessing every step of the way. Cathlic run orphanages are nonprofits and do not have a lot of money. They wouldn't have gotten squat. Roger Ebert called my film reviews "Superb." I quoted him when I published my book of film reviews. LOL. Boy is their egg on your face. Erm....okay. Biden was chairman of the foreign relations committee on the Senate and coordinated with the W admin to handpick every Senate witness before the vote to invade Iraq. It is simply a historical fact that Biden was instrumental in starting the Iraq War. Sorry if the facts offend you, but the truth is that Biden is the most prolific war monger alive. He deserves to be tried before the Hague with his buddies who started the illegal Iraq War. Literally the first line in the article: "The U.S. is sending a “few thousand” troops to the Middle East to bolster security and to defend Israel if necessary" Why are so many Biden voters literally retarded? Oh, I dunno. How about student debt, a broken school system with lower test scores, violent gangs of foreign nationals all across the country, WW3 starting, a smaller middle class, entire neighborhoods of every major cities being open air drug markets, higher depression, and the mutilation of kids' genitals to appease the transgender religion. Welp, looks like we are closer to it starting than we thought. The intelligence agencies report to the Senate members on the head of the Foreign Relations committee. The fact Biden was begging to commit war crimes in Iraq years before W was in office proves that Biden came to the conclusion independently. In fact, one could argue that given W's (ironic in hindsight) campaign based on anti nation building, 9/11 was what caused W to adopt the Iraq War that Biden was pushing for years. He definitely was in the inner circle and even coordinated with the W campaign as he handpicked every witness in the Senate since he was chair of the Foreign Relations committee. The fact we haven't tried him and W for the most egregious war crime of the 21st century is puzzling to me. There's no doubt that they are both guilty as sin and will burn in Hell. And Ron Paul did run for something as he was congressman for years and I even voted for him for President in 2012. Maybe ease down on the Internet to prevent brain rot and you'd be able to remember that. Israel has only 169,000 troops of their own. This means that the 43,000 Biden has sent over there is 1/4th the troops stationed in Israel counting Israel's army. At what point do we call him guilty of treason? The largest invasion of the USA has been allowed by him. Money flows to Ukraine and Israel for reasons not exactly in our strategic interests. Crime runs rampant as our government practices overtly racist policies. Erm...why would I not blame Biden for the Iraq War he started? As early as 1998, Biden, who was the head of the Foreign Relations committee on the Senate, pushed for the Iraq War and claimed that he had seen classified documents that proved that Saddam had WMDs and was planning to attack the USA. This is years before W was even office. Biden even argued to unilaterally invade Iraq, a position so extreme that W wasn't even for it. And yes, intelligence is given to the committee he was chair of. At the time, the President had to get the vote of the Senate to go to war, and Biden was the one specifically who made sure the Iraq War happened. Who was in what party at the time is irrelevant....what is relevant is the crimes against humanity that each individual supported. Personally, I was a Ron Paul fan who was calling out the war crimes by W, Biden, Powell, Clinton, Rice, Rumsfield, Kerry and others at the time. I regret nothing. In fact, I've never voted for a single candidate that ever cast a vote for the Iraq War. How about admitting that some cultures are superior? Child prostitution is not uncommon in many Central American countries. The Nuremberg trials had an outcome that says otherwise. "Just following orders" was rendered to be an illegitimate defense. Obama actually does on his mom's side. The correct answer is Dwight D Eisenhower. Whether they like it or not, Ireland is part of the British Isles.