MovieChat Forums > newsong > Replies
newsong's Replies
Cool. I'll check it out.
Thanks. I haven't seen them. I'll give them a look if they come up on one of my streamers.
The problem with Hollywood is if they think clown suits would make a better story then yes, they would go with them.
Documentaries are usually dry and are not in the genre of historical entertainment for a reason. Why lie to people though? I think most people want to see what things were like. I know much of history is dry but outright falsehoods are lazy.
Agreed. If you like movies for their visual appeal, then this would probably be to your liking.
Yes, that was good and hopefully a PSA for some kids in the future who might find themselves in that situation(being abducted but within screaming distance of adults).
That effect caught me too. IMDB does not have an alternate actor listed for him as younger or anything in the trivia section so it must have been him. My guess is they used computer reverse aging tricks.
It was a good effect whatever it was.
Then they should have just run around in clown suits since accuracy doesn't matter. It looked to me that they were trying to be accurate in some areas and pushing opinion in others.
The problem with that is that you get to the end of the movie and your perception of what was accurate has now been shaped and distorted. Hollywood does this all the time with many historical stories and they shouldn't. Many people like to watch historical stories for a look at what things were truly like. I know many will say that would be too boring but that is the challenge for a good director.
Yes, the scene of the ninth where he turns around being completely deaf....
I'll leave it at that for the spoiler
I didn't want to hype the movie too much because then it almost invariably leads to let down. It's also been a few years since I've seen it. I want to view it again to see if it holds up to more viewings. Sometimes they don't.
The real reason to watch these is if you are a fan of classical and/or are going through a classical phase like I was. It just adds color as you see these great songs put in to the context of their time.
They were talking about making a biopic of Vivaldi at the time I was viewing this but I don't think it ever got off the ground. That would be another with an incredible soundtrack.
I often wonder what Mozart would have done with the saxophone...
Nope. :)
I would love to hear what you think. I think you'll really enjoy it. I hope you have a good sound system. There is a certain segment of the movie, I don't want to overhype it here, but my goodness, what a scene. Let's see if you pick it out when you come back.
No, because the accuracy is debated. For an historical film to get top marks it should have undisputed accuracy.
That said, I think this was a highly entertaining film. It was the one that inspired my classical music journey which is something every human being with a soul should take.
If you like this you will probably love Immortal Beloved which was loosely based on Beethoven's life. The music is equally brilliant and brilliantly used.
Gary Oldman plays Beethoven before he became a superstar but you could see the talent blooming already.
It is ironic that the only thing keeping L alive for so long was Light's ego. Since Light wanted to be the god of the world for a long time, he refused to take the eyes. This was always in the background and thus reinforced the notion that L's life hung by a thread. It was implied that if Light got desperate enough he could easily do the deal with Ryuk and finish L off quickly
I think part of the problem was the wrap up. Duplicating an entire mystical death note in one day? That was way too far fetched and took from the logic of the whole series. That just seemed like a convenient and cheap way to end.
Plus the fact that the guy 'broke his pattern' going to the bank and them not telling the audience this was happening. Playing gotcha will hidden reveals is unfair to the audience who is trying to play along as detective. So this also adds to the dissatisfaction.
That's interesting. The Death Note could actually be an argument for a very strict death penalty to be brought in or back to our world today. If you start killing all the people who commit crimes in our world with the same severity that Kira did, would you usher in a world that he ushered in?
So, maybe not petty crimes but what about crimes like rape and above? How would that change our world? Many of those types of criminals are sitting in prison now costing governments a fortune
2nd ghost:
He's dead so he is beyond time and space and should be able to be in more than one 'place' at the same time. It's just hard for us to comprehend because we are anchored in time and space
I would think he would be able to see himself though unless his mind goes into complete denial (which is also why he didn't 'pass on' until he read the note)
Unless he had it specifically written into his contract it could very well have been a stunt ghost since those would be much cheaper on the pay scale
Definitely for gags.
I can understand why she might not have a color photo. The colored ones who have shown her as older than she wanted to be. We even get that on the internet today where people will use ten year old photos in their profiles. Being that this was her eternity, she was probably insisting on being forever young.
The idea of it being a premium service to colorize is excellent. If they had done it with someone who did not have much money then the gag would have worked perfectly. So close, yet so far.
I liked it. It has that good mix of story with some funny moments. Many scenes you can relate to and not much Hollywood agenda pushing which is not what people tune into entertainment for
Les Misérables.
That is like the epically long version of this story.
and don't look at any of the movies or TV show versions. They don't do it justice. You can get the book or you can get the audio download for free by finding it on the web
JvJ in the book is always on the run from 'justice' and his past so that gives the same feeling of isolation while he raises and protects the girl from the truth