MovieChat Forums > Archie > Replies
Archie's Replies
Question: What is the personality type of the woman who ends up behind the prop these days ?
Is she, an extrovert, an exhibitionist, a cow girl, or a pleaser of men ?
I have a few theories....I would like to know yours.
What ever became of old posters.....Rose, IsoldeJaneHollandA Dress.....Whipped_ Honey and others ?
Maybe, it was a matter of no remake needed. It was a matter of we made a point. There was no need to remake it. We said it once, hence no need to go back and restate.
Maybe it was seen as perfect. No need to improve on top quality work.
Maybe it is like a classic, i.e., " The Maltese Falcon " or " Gone With The Wind " ; they saw it as a great classic. There were several versions of certain films, i.e. " " Farewell My Lovely " was made three or four times by the 1950s. It may be there was either no call, or no vision to do so.
I remember....IsoldeJaneHollandADress…..Rose....and others ?
Where are they I wonder ?....What ever became of them ?
Did you post on a Spanky and Our Gang as well ?
I am sorry.....Is 2005 when you joined ?
I am sorry.....I do not understand...?
Is 2001 when you first joined ?
There were people who talked about Secretary.....Nine and a Half Weeks.....The Story Of O.
There were good discussions and the use of comparison and contrast, looking at all of these.
I attempted to send you a P.M. My account is considered to new to do so.
PLEASE P.M. me. I have a point, I should like to share with you.