GhostOfIMDB's Replies

It was silly, but very entertaining. I think those are interchangeable. No way could it be made. People are way more asocial. The majority of communication happens through smartphones, therefore a lot of scenes in the movie wouldn't be realistic. That's the main thing I remember from this movie and it's so stupid that I can't make myself watch the movie again. The Sting was substantially better. The one saving grace for this movie is that it's stylish: set in Vegas and has a fantastic soundtrack. Dumb & Dumber easily wins. That seems quite accurate. I rewatched Part 1 & 2 recently. 1 - top notch. I'd say it's the best Sci-Fi/Action movie of all time. Part 2 - the plot was a bit hard hard to follow. But it wasn't bad. And the action scenes were quite good, though I'd say a few of them dragged on a bit too long. Part 3 is next for me. Part 4 I tried to watch a couple years ago and couldn't get past like 20 minutes. It seemed like a parody. I doubt I'll try to watch it again. This one was a bit hard to follow, but it's far better than Snatch, that's for sure. I'd say this was a very silly movie, because it started out with "1984"/"Brazil" vibes, then turned into a Matrix wannabe. It made little sense because, for one, the Matrix-like scenes were too unoriginal and seemed like a copy-paste job. But also, because that level of gun-shooting expertise doesn't make sense. At least in The Matrix, they were "in the know" and knew how to manipulate the virtual reality that is the Matrix. But in this movie, he's supposed to be a regular guy, who apparently has superhuman abilities. And yes, they came up with a rationalization for it, "gun kata", but that is just silly. Overall, had the movie stuck more to the Orwellian initial feel of it, it would have been a far better result. I agree that it was a waste of a top notch premise. If the script had been better, this could have been one of the really great Sci-Fi movies. I thought Kruger was actually a pretty great villain. But the rest - not so much. Jodie Foster's character "Secretary Delacourt" was rather one dimensional. Meanwhile, the CEO of the Armadyne Corporation actually seemed quite interesting. But they still didn't spend enough time building hmm him up as a character. It has a totally unique feel to it. I really hope the sequel ("District 10") gets made some day. You guys really jazzed them up - now I will have to check them out. Thanks! Very entertaining, for sure. But the sequels have terrible ratings, so I guess I should skip all of them? The movie looks epic in many ways, but Orlando Bloom is underwhelming. Arwen, played by Liv Tyler, is substantially better looking. Eowyn is also good-looking, of course, but Arwen easily wins. I watched it just now while slightly high. So mostly sober. *slow clap* I don't watch many horror movies, but this one was fantastic. The hit 'n run tale was the favorite one for me. Then "bombita". No, but I'll put it on my list.