MovieChat Forums > yvesyves > Replies
yvesyves's Replies
Gattaca was released in 1997
you gonna love Gattaca with Jude Law and Ethan Hawke
They are the elite ; superior human beings ; they have to be the most classy all the time
i love this movie on so many levels i recommended it to many friends , however in such an advanced world and secure company they dont have hundreds of security cameras? ( like the 9/11 "plane" crash on the Pentagone , lol )
what do you mean? when you live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere with 6 months of darkness and there is a very strong culture of ancestors, spritis of dead people, legends, ghosts, etc... if you hallucinate you probably won't see Mickey Mouse or crocodiles or the Eiffel Tower, you'll hallucinate about dead people you know and local legends ; just same as people in huge concrete towns L.A or N.Y probably would not hallucinate about things from deep Alaska or local eskimo culture
probably also got on her knees to get that gig
as i wrote in an other post i don't think there is actually anything supernatural happening:
i don't think there are ghosts , they say the cyanide level is 11 times higher than the authorized level + the fact that they live in an environment and culture where spirits are so important, therefore the water or something gave them hallucinations of what they have been hearing about since forever; in such a town and such an atmosphere if you are going to hallucinate you are going to hallucinate about the local legends you've heard 1000 times or about your dead ones, probably not about something from Africa or Australia.
Even if the women were curious what happened to Clark what could they have done? They done their deed then went off and didnt want to be caught, also may be they were curious but it simply wasnt shown on screen.
Clark was probably fucked up on crazy cyanide level so whatever he did or not do , think or no think , cannot be made sense of, mad paranaoid junkie.
i didnt like the characters but i enjoyed the ending which i did not expect at all
i don't think there are ghosts , they say the cyanide level is 11 times higher than the authorized level + the fact that they live in an environment and culture where spirits are so important, therefore the water or something gave them hallucinations of what they have been hearing about since forever; in such a town and such an atmosphere if you are going to hallucinate you are going to hallucinate about the local legends you've heard 1000 times or about your dead ones, probably not about something from Africa or Australia.
ha ha nice one , hilarious
it just doesnt make sense that people like you talk about them without knowing anything about them since if they really exist according to you no one knows about them except themselves, so how would you know?
do you have any source or documentary ?
he even suggested to go upstairs to look at art pieces for not too long (bang her quickly)
elites doing crazy things and it is right there in front of us but since we dont have actual videos or footage we dont really believe it is happening; so it is there in front of us (eyes are wide open) but we dont see it because its hard to believe and dont have videos or photos (therefore eyes are wide shut) , we know its there but we cant actually see it
to me there is nothing satanic about the group and gathering that is shown
just very wealthy (married) men hiring beautiful young escorts wishing to stay secretive therefore wearing masks and having some unusual fun in a huge mansion ; the only slightly weird thing is the ceremony master walking with incense and tapping his stick on the ground; otherwise the rest is a just a fantasy orgy (which i would take part in if i could)
the criminal and investigastion stories are very decent but i agree the two main cop characters are not that good,
also having 2 or 3 sex scene PER EPISODE including tons of lesbian scenes is just boring and cheap fill ins, is the viewer supposed to be shocked? i dont give a rat's ass it just brings nothing to the story
god damn that's exactly it , accurate description !!!!!!!!
hahaha so funny , her acting like a tough ass woman is lame as fuck
is Sandler producing this? Otherwise who would make the decision to cast him for this role , awful choice
nop however being racist towards whites is unacceptable please dont be a bigot
it's offensive and discriminating towards white people and straight people ; always having mean bad racist biggot whites as if the US or Europe were Nazi Germany in which any non-white non-straight person is oppressed and is not allowed to live freely, people who believe that should learn about how it goes in Africa and Arab countries, then they will appreciate living in a Western country, pathetic.