MovieChat Forums > yvesyves > Replies
yvesyves's Replies
They make fun of everyone, Jews, Europeans, Latinos, Asians, women, old people, young people, Mac is absolutely fascinated and admires the gay community, so it's all in good spirit.
Also, the very first episode, s01e01, they also kind of make fun of black people in a super funny way hahaha
Always Sunny the best show ever !!!!
the Casino Royale one is bling bling, cleanly polished super hero style nearly like Spiderman or Superman, I am sure they took hours to do his make up before filming, the Point Break one is real, high speed, smacks the viewer in the face 100% down to earth.
i thought Rusty was really funny and fun, annoying in a really funny way, however his sister was just annoying in a boring and not fun way at all
I agree,
After 10 minutes i started doing something else while watching it, and after 30 minutes i stopped watching it all together.
yeeees without a doubt, a masterpiece !!
toward the end David tells Walter '' serve in heaven or reign in hell? ''
so he has the desire to be emperor or dictator, he can do this through creating those perfect invincible aliens, however it's turning in circle with the question that so many people asked and no one can answer, since he is a robot why does he have those kinds of feelings and desires of domination, power and wealth; in theory he is only programed to serve and help the human his creators.
I thought the one really annoying thing was the two idiot ''scientists'' who are left during the night, the way they act, what they do and say, is just so unbelievable and stupid, also the redhair guy being so negative and agressive to everyone for no reason was just over the top, but it's a Hollywood movie so I guess they had to include this type of stereotypes.
the ones who hanged out with him many months or even years partying and taking advantage of his wealth and saying with a straight face '' i was abused '' is just ridiculous and out of this world, they were exchanging sex for a luxurious lifestyle, would he have been postman or a mcdonalds employee they would have never been ''abused'' because they wouldnt have hanged out with him and his friends... hope they never get any compensation cuz they are just lying gold diggers.
the ones who went to his mansion just once and at 14 y/o were stuck in the massage room with him naked is totally different.
agree , i miss the old SVU, the first 13-14 seasons, now has become over politicaly correct and ''polished''
agree, totally awful, can't believe it has the same title has the first one it's so different, the feeling, atmosphere, music, etc.. are not there, like comparing a bicycle and a ferrari.
and what is it with the filming with the sligthly old effect like historical documentaries, that was disgusting it felt so cheap, totally unwatchable.
i agree, the plot was quite awesome and so well knit together, totally unexpected, really great.
such an incredible movie, a classic amongst classics !!!
I loved it too, the only thing which was done badly is how when the girl is unchained she doesnt try to take away or hit the knife from the wife which is smaller and lighter than her, it's a small knife not a gun to her head, she's been held captive and raped, any normal person would try something
Will do, thanks my friend.
Denzel Washington and Samuel L Jackson should have been in this !!!!!!!!
same as other people here i agree i gave it 9 ,
there is the classic Hollywood political correct set up with the minorities diversity which feels very ''forced'' but apart from that the rest is highly entertaining and very well done
really hope they do a second one !!
haha totally agree, you've summed it up so well !!! This movie is a gem for this genre.
she loooks so masculine a real tomboy i feel guys who find her pretty or attractive are borderline gay or bisexual.
I will watch it too for sure, however I feel the trailer gives away way too much, it's like we more or less already know the story.
I loved Prometheus and still do, love the whole atmosphere as well as the soundtrack.