MovieChat Forums > Bruschj > Replies
Bruschj's Replies
I want to believe this also, but there were so so many eyewitnesses though, and he was wearing that same leather coat all movie. The description would have gotten out and reached the right people pretty easily.
I heard 150 but it wouldn’t make sense as Bond doesn’t buy back in, Vesper doesn’t allow it.
Very well said. And indeed we have gotten nothing like this movie since it came out regarding the bond series.
Wow, she catches my eye every time I rewatch the movie, thank you for providing some background on her! Such a great movie with every detail well thought out
Insightful post, and basically you are right. I wonder if it’s a complete shift or if there will be some reversion at some point. We’re in an interesting time, there was a need for sensitivity to some issues, certain jokes may have crossed boundaries for some and I get that, along with humor being generational on some level, but I do get where you’re going with your post. I will also say that Free Guy felt like a YA movie, and a video game one at that, so the type of humor you might expect from that may follow a certain tone…
Kind of think they’re not just having fun, but either way….yes you needed to keep drinking from the Grail. Not everyone takes one sip and is good to go on prolonged aging. The Grail Knight tells Indy the price of immortality is staying behind the seal with the grail so you can either drink from it or possibly you will age if you move beyond the Great Seal as has been said by someone here.
I think they did. And the movie really drew out Cantone’s scenes, where he basically monologued with the slow, nasty, racist, vitriolic, underlying hate filled patronizing speeches that really highlighted how inferior he felt ray, quick et al were (largely based on race). He was set up to be more of a hated character for the audience, hence the more elaborate safe-death scene, even though his character had a touch of comic relief to him.
Blake and Jem’s characters are possibly the two most accurate boston characters I’ve ever seen in a movie. Mark wahlberg in the departed is accurate also. Blake’s character doesn’t really exist in Charlestown as much anymore, but she nails the role. I grew up a few blocks from Affleck in Cambridge but am 10 years younger, if we’re citing boston credentials in this assessment.
I’m really glad you pointed this out, I find it to be one of the more poignant moments in the movie. Jem was robbing banks at least half cause he wanted the rush, you’re totally right, he goes to get that last drink cause he is someone that just feeds what he needs.
I just watched this tonight, and I have to agree, it really appears that they don’t make the connection. I know everyone’s comments are from 7 years ago and stretch theories (conspiracy-esque) are under fire these days, but it would be a mind-reading assumption at best to think Eckhart in this scene tips that he somehow *knows* that this charred accident victim is the person they were waiting for. For me the giveaway is how casually he says “poor bastard”. It wasn’t faked, he really did just casually mouth it to his team. He wasn’t hiding anything. You can listen to it back and it really only comes across that way.
Good theories, they all make sense and the part about the operating table and not trusting why could be false visions is particularly insightful.
That head tilted kiss on the lips she gives him kind of says otherwise
We (including your husband) are very much on the same wavelength, I LOVE contact and interstellar in particular. I wonder what other movies are on your short or even long list of most rewatchable?
The first part is correct, but in fairness it’s due to her performance in the film, which I’m defending. The quip about my judgment seems a bit...harsh?
Are you saying Casino Royale is louder and less artistic than Skyfall? I’ve never ever heard that take
damn been awhile since i've been on the forums, things have gotten real out here
Come on, being a little harsh man
I believe the use of his character was movie misdirection, setting the audience up to feel like they know what’s coming, a hero rescue, etc etc, and then no, it’s not. Basically a plot twist.
Couldn’t disagree with both of these points more. If you liked sky fall more I have to say you aren’t looking for a bond movie, but something a bit louder and less subtle. Thank goodness for marvel right?
Eva green plays the part she’s supposed to play almost flawlessly, you know how hard it is to play a convincing female that would really attract coldhearted James Bond on an intimate emotional level? It’s never been done before