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degree7's Replies
Have you read the book by Michael Crichton? It’s full of plot holes and logical inconsistencies, far more than the film.
In the film it’s easy to overlook some of these contrivances, as you put it, to focus on the thematic elements and overall experience. It’s also not far fetched to believe that the scientists would overlook that some of the chromosomes in the dinosaurs would not be adequately suppressed and that they would start breeding. The whole point was that the Park was a rush job, and they were on a deadline to open it on time to appease their investors.
The blatant CGI'd hammond, ellie and grant during the brachiosaurus scene when the camera pans out towards the dinos in lake. (They dont seem to have any legs and are blatantly body doubles)[/quote]
They actually weren’t digital, they were the real actors shot in front of a green screen then composited over the shot of the lake.
See for reference [url][/url]
Nedry’s plan was actually fool proof. He disabled the park security systems just long enough to preoccupy Hammond and Arnold, under the guise of a system update. The quickest route of reaching the East dock was through the park, which meant he had to disable a number of electrical fences. If all went as planned he would have been back in the control room within 10 minutes and restore everything to normal, and no one would be any wiser. What he didn’t account for was the severity of the storm and getting lost in the park itself.
There’s actually a double twist. Teddy really wasn’t Andrew Laedis. He was right the whole time.
It’s still half of discretionary spending, one third of all global defense spending, and is higher than it’s been at any point since be Cold War. It’s also notoriously inefficient and no one knows where the money actually goes. Maybe throwing money at the issue doesn’t actually increase national security.
Exactly how would the government “seize control” of one fifth of the US Economy (despite the fact that government spending is already 40% of the GDP)?
You would still have private hospitals, private doctors, etc. but it would just cut out the middleman and get rid of unnecessary price-gouging, red tape, and unnecessary administrative costs. The system we have right now is simply unaffordable. But again, none of this is “socialist.”
I used to think Event Horizon was a bad movie (I mean, it kind of is), but looking back it seems like a masterwork of entertainment compared to most praised movies coming out in the past few years. I think the problem with modern films is that they were too focused on character relationships/melodrama rather than the big ideas or spectacle. Or like you said, what’s in the sandwich.
To quote a famous movie: “What we have here is a crusader. You gotta be rich in the first place to think like that. Everybody knows, the poor are always being f-cked over by the rich; always have and always will.”
[quote] Nothing the government does is efficient or quality.[/quote]
Lmfao, kind of ironic that Republicans are some of the biggest proponents of government spending then, LoL
[quote] Socialism isn't any better for healthcare than it would be for food, manufactured goods, or any other sector.[/quote]
Your entire argument is based off a misconception that has been peddled by corporatists for years. Again, there is nothing “socialist” about Medicare for All.
If I meet this ruggero deodato dude I would punch him in the face, I hate animal cruelty.
What exactly is so “complex” about those storylines? Those are cliches we’ve seen in dozens of other movies. Moreover, most of those subplots are dropped and never mentioned again in the movie. I get it you’re butthurt fanboy that can’t handle criticism of his favourite movies, but hopefully someone out there can learn something from this. Happy deflecting!
My problem with it is that the writer (was it Lindelof?) decided to ignore basic science and evolutionary theory to make the story work. Apparently these engineers bio-engineered humans in their image (since the engineers are already bipedal, humanoids that look exactly like us). So apparently Prometheus takes place in an alternate universe where we never evolved from ancient hominids and the fossil record just doesn’t exist (even though Millburn specifically brings up the theory of evolution during the briefing). So how exactly is this all supposed to work? It’s not like in AvP where the predators merely helped humans become more advanced as a civilization, it’s made clear that engineers designed human anatomy. It also means that these “scientists” are just creationists and evangelical Christians who decided to convince this trillionaire philanthropist to fund an advanced scientific expedition based on their religious beliefs, which is infuriating. At the end of the day this movie is nothing more than a creationist’s wet dream.
The story being your basic “Chariots of the Gods” format we’ve seen in tons of media beforehand, like Atlantis the Lost Empire, Mission to Mars, Dead Space, 2001, or even At the Mountains of Madness.
I have seen pornos with a better story.
It’s an average film with a paper thin story we’ve seen a thousand times before. People only enjoy it because it was risqué when it came out and had a style ripped off from De Palma/Scorsese films.
False, single payer would save trillions in the long run, and would cut medical costs exponentially. Nothing “socialist” about it. Sadly, most democrats are concerned over offering a “public option” as a compromise, which defeats the entire purpose.
The expanded material, comics/video games/books, show that the pulse rifle can be fixed with mounted optics, so this issue was fixed.
Although I’d say the films was ahead of its time in the design of the Smartgun that is capable of IFF auto-targeting.
Muslim societies are actually more peaceful than Western ones, with lower murder rates per capita.
Additionally, it’s racist as all get out to stereotype people based on their ethnicity.
The movie wouldn’t have worked without the acid blood, or else they could have just killed the alien with lasers and been done with it.
Also it’s theorized the alien’s biological makeup is made of acid-resistant Teflon to insulate against it.