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sonans's Replies

Yep, when I watch this film, I keep thinking the same thing! This film has a lot of plot holes, very stupid. I know you are talking about theme, but you mention Psycho, I just inform you that scene got away has a reason. Even not visual, just theme can get you higher rate. In movie Hancock there are one scene got trouble in MPAA, Will Smith use his muscle strength to pin down Charlie Theron, he just want her to "calm down", but MPAA thinks that looks like a man trying to rape a woman, they gave that movie a R for that "hey I want you to calm down" scene. Beside if they really dive that deep, Hollow Man will too long. You said rape is horrible, I know that is pure evil, but he later commit worse crime: kill. (Sorry my english, I am not native speaker.) George Millar makes a lot shitty films, Babe 2, Happy Feet 1&2, Max Max 3, but his worst film is Lorenzos Oil. The big reason Hitchcock got away with Psycho is shots in black and white. Beside, your suggestion kind of in 2020 The Invisible Man. This movie already rated R, if they go that far, it will get NC-17. There are no way movie studio will let that happen. You don't have to rip off "plot" to be call rip off. There are a lot of things can steal from movie. When The One trailer came out, people call that movie rip off The Matrix, not for plot, but visual style. Better than Birds of Prey and Bad Boys 3 for sure. Birds of Prey is garbage, 1 star. Bad Boys 3 has some emotion in it, but a little boring. I will give Bloodshot 3 star. Merely above average Yep, I just saw the movie, when I see that shot, first thing pop into my mind is Fight Club. Quantum Break use the same device (or ability) as TENET show in the trailer. Trailer keeps showing time manipulation, they can control particular object go back in time. Quantum Break does the same thing, and more grandiose, like whole train runs through wall, but keeps go back in time again and again, so you can see train keeps break through wall, and pieces fly out and back. Or the whole structure falling down and go back. But in TENET, the biggest money shot is just a car flip... Beside in TENET trailer, implies time travel: "What the hell happened here?" "Hasn't happened yet." The whole Quantum Break story is all time travel. The best time travel story I play in video game. Didn't you play Quantum Break? She has "pre-established bond", her father on earth, and boyfriend on other planet. Why not use love to call her boyfriend and father? Maybe that is why Dunkirk suck so bad? When Nolan try not to rip off, Dunkirk is the outcome. What???? I though in Marriage Story, he is normal kid. But in Kramer, I want to punch that kid. "when the father seemed to be losing everything to his wife and helpless to stop it." This happen in Kramer too! More "helpless" I would say. I would say that make Kramer more "realistic", a lot of kids are brat. From the trailer, yes I am. Justin Lin's 3 and 5 are action masterpieces.(6 okay, 4 terrible.) After 4, he does real stunts on 5 and 6, look gorgeous! WTF is F9? Am I watching cartoon? It is flashback. F9 will deal death of their father. That is why without Paul Walker, they still bring Mia back. John Cena is FATHER. No, total rubbish. I love Saoirse Ronan, but this movie is so bad, almost comical. Because this movie, I know director Joe Wright is a joke: Anna Karenina is laughable bad, Pan is disaster, Darkest Hour is Oscar bait. His new movie The Woman in the Window has a lot of bad words pouring out, say it it disaster. If you want witness trainwreck, go watch it. Yet, really. Weird thing is Dakota Fanning also make a movie with pig, but she still eat pork !