MovieChat Forums > sonans > Replies
sonans's Replies
If you think T-1000 can shot a moving car tire, you shouldn't even open the van door in the first place, T-1000 wouldn't even bother to shot tire, he would shot John.
That is SWAT van, door is bulletproof, just close the door.
If helicopter is far away, no reason to shot it, just close the door, bullets can't penetrate that door.
If helicopter is close, no reason to shot it, too danger for Sarah, just hit the brake to crash helicopter.
What is the problem with that 1997 line?
You can easily assume they succeed at the end, stop or delay Judgment Day.
In order to shot T-1000, it put Sarah in danger, why not just close van door, hit the brake?
"Sarah is assaulting people who didn't do anything wrong."
Wait, what? You've problem with Sarah beating a innocent hospital employee?
She try to kills Miles Dyson, he is innocent too. I though that is the point: She will do anything for survival.
No, No, No, the really question is: Why even bother to shot T-1000?
After Shara got shot, T-800 hit the brake to crash helicopter, why not brake early?
Ever heard a word call "bribe"?
So you're saying, if you haven't seen your child for a long time, maybe she marry to other country, one day she is dying, but she has children or grandchildren, you wouldn't want to stay beside her?
The King's Speech shouldn't won, but Inception is worse winner, the best picture of that year is The Social Network.
Inception reminds me of Transformers, really simple plot, tons of actions, so much actions to the level of annoy, you just want to close eyes and ears.
Are you Cathy Newman?
"You're saying men want old women."
What? I didn't say that.
I said women don't want a man that OLD, I didn't say women don't want young men.
No women want a man that old, unless it involve money, that is not the case in movie.
No way, they have 21 age difference, he can be her father.
I'm guessing: you're woman?
Love Snatch, though Aladdin and Holmes(first one) are okay, but this is just boring, the same level to King Arthur.
Why? Roger Ebert is the most famous critic, but the movies he wrote suck.
1. " you have no idea what the depth is" They don't know either.
2. This is not BTTF.
This is quite a long answer to "I can do to cows, you can't do to cats."
I would rather watch "something different" than "shameless ripoff New Hope".
8 is better than 7 and 9. He's better than Jar Jar Abrams.