MovieChat Forums > LiquidOcelot > Posts
LiquidOcelot's Posts
Why am I doing the dishes?
Overrated and outdated
Most overrated manager of all time
Why did she do her lips...
The lighting is so harsh in this movie
Hey Trannies - you couldn't cancel her if you tried
Rayshard Brooks was asking for it...
Wow the climax is so overrated
Toy Story movies in order of greatness?
Phoebe absolutely sucked
What an uninspired piece of shit
Goddamn Choi
How did Tommy even have $6 million to spend on this movie?
I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars
Denzel's laugh at the end
Wish he didn't collaborate with DiCaprio so much
'All that murdering and f**ing and no sons'
What did Cameron see in Sam Worthington?
They really should have put old make up on Tom Hanks