MovieChat Forums > sim7396
sim7396 (121)
This movie has a peculiar MacGuffin!
The woman at the music store
Harriet the spy (1996)
Mean Girls (2004)
Loved it!
Actors and their ages
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1. There's no way a made-for-TV movie in 1979 would include a gay plot or subplot.
2. You must be thinking of the movie "Deathtrap" (1982).
Fully agree with you. The brothers, as written, have no realism and no depth in them. The whole idea of a dying man concocting a scanvenger hunt for his children to bond is beyond silly. Something that makes no sense: Even if the father decides to stay in Illinois and raise son number #2, he could have still visited son #1 in Mexico and have a relationship with him. I'd give it a 1/10.
LOL! Did you watch the movie? No, there was no person named Eloise. The baby at the hospital was the redhead half brother, the one who in the present time steals the goat.
Isn't that true of 99.99% of movies? Movies and TV are full of attractive people. My real-life office? Not so much!
One thing I did notice is that her make-up and clothes look way too fashionable to realistically match an overworked start-up owner.
You mad, bro? Calm down! This movie is meant for adults, you should stick to the "action" genre.
I though the movie started with De Niro's character being hired as an intern.
The real-life Sandra Boss *knew* that "Clark" was fake. She benefited directly from the con: having the Rockefeller name surely helped her career along; she went up the ranks at McKenzie way too fast. Clients must have been delighted to be served by a Rockefeller.
She must have known something was rotten, but said nothing b/c it served her ego. And her lucrative career. She knew what was going on.
Well, if you, who knew her personally, can't find her in this movie, how could the rest of us? My advice is to get in touch with your former HS classmates. Someone must remember her surname.
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