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azgump (44)


I wish I could get into this Confused Hilarious Are we supposed to believe Never knew about The Beginning or Dominion I just found this documentary Depressing *spoilers* Is this really possible? (Spoiler alert) What a sleeper(spoilers) The trailer sucks people in View all posts >


I didn't find it disgusting at all. It involves an intersex person who all his life was a man with male sex organs and all. It wasn't until his 30's, when he had an appendectomy that it was discovered he also had ovaries and a uterus. This was not known until then. It wasn't his fault, he was born that way. As with intersex people, they can present more of as a male or more as a female. From what the Cardinal said, it was not known that female organs were present until the surgery. But he was a man bcz he also had male organs. This movie wasn't about being trans and pretending to be a man. I thought it was a thought provoking film. It may not be accurate about what actually goes in on in the conclave bcz it's always been private and sequestered. But to me it shows the divisive nature of humans and the politics of the side of liberal and conservative beliefs. It depicts back stabbing, lies and bad dealings. These are what bothers people bcz we hold men of God to higher standards. We don't want to think that this actually happens. That's what I left the theater feeling. How is this woke? I have half Mexican daughters and none of us is so called woke the way it's radicalized today. Me and my family just don't care about color of skin or ethnicities. To me woke means without racism. Just bringing up color or ethnicities in people like it matters is opposite of woke. Woke means waking up and realizing that those things don't matter. Ignorant people make it matter. Depends what you think "woke is". The original "woke" or the delusional far left extremist "woke". And why is this a question for every new movie that comes out? Expand your thought process. What you believe is woke might not be for someone else. It seems there are different levels nowadays, instead of one meaning. I thought it could be the eruption of Mt St Helen's volcano. They never said. Or where the origin of the disaster started. All we know is the entire west coast is gone. Maybe the San Andres Fault line finally gave and shifted the entire west coast from CA to Washington. Anyway. It was boring and a lot of stupid things occurred. SPOILER*******What was woke about Blink Twice? Because of the interracial aspect? I don't look at that as woke. Interracial relationships are pretty accepted and normal and have been for longer than "woke" culture existed. I'm trying to think of what else would be considered woke. That is such a broad term now. It's gotten really radicalized. Depends what you mean by "woke". From my viewpoint, I didn't see "woke" at all. Just a good suspense thriller. I saw it last night too. I agree with your take on it. I like the non sequential way of filming. Keeps people guessing and wondering as the chapters unfold. The story- good. Acting- good. A wild ride in a quick hour and a half. I don't even remember a sex scene. All they do is kiss though. So much that it got gross to watch. All I kept thinking was, they are both married to other people in real life. Ew. I don't care if it's acting, it's just weird. Exactly. Images in both of those films is very disturbing and gory. They showed a lot as do many other thriller or horror movies. BLINK TWICE did not show much as far as sexusl assault but is was implied. They spared us much of the details of every assault. I've seen many movies depicting SA and they showed a whole lot more as far as graphic scenes go. At least this movie had a trigger warning before it began. Maybe some should make the choice to leave instead of complaining. If they are that sensitive, maybe they should skip thrillers. There's always murder or violence in them but they choose to watch them to then post how offended or triggered they are. Come on. Why? There are many real subjects that are made into movies. Real things. That's literally what movies do (besides the fantasy and superhero movies). People watch thrillers of every subject matter. Some people are triggered by war movies, does that mean they shouldn't make them? Some movies are about child abuse or spousal abuse. Should they not be allowed to make those either? . I really don't get why you are upset about movies that no one is forcing you to watch. Maybe don't watch it. I saw it today. It's about horrible things but so are movies about murder and those are a dime a dozen. We shouldn't censor real issues. If people choose to watch it, that is an individual choice. View all replies >