MovieChat Forums > Jsully9 > Replies
Jsully9's Replies
Just like when democrats lied and cried over that Christine Ford dipship w Justine Cavenaugh. You fuckers had no evidence he did anything wrong. This dumb bitch is being nominated only bc she's black, not on merit..I feel so sorry for you liberals.
Really, she can't even answer basic law 101 questions w/o fucking her answers up. How about asking her how she feels being nominated only for her skin color, she sure as hell didn't get nominated on Merit.
Oh no you can! This thing has funcking mental problems. You're not a guy and NEVER will be one. As any biologist, mabys the judge knows one.
It's more fun to talk about this mental mess.
She a fucking girl, and always be one, a biologist didn't have to tell me that!
Keep drinking the Kool Aide you fool. I really feel sorry for you people!!
More like Eric Stoltz in Mask!
Once you've tired of them you'd have to look at her face. Even worse would be talking to this retard.
I'm certain this pig is as hairy as an ape. From her belly button to the crack of her ass!
I'm glad this fucking retard and her husband had a doctor w them the nights her daughters were born, to tell them what gender they were.
I'm quite certain she is. I bet she drills her husband w a 10 inch didlo in the ass.
This isn't a man, it's a mental health mess, who is a woman and always will be one. It just looks like a little sissy boy.
It probably has him being blown by his dad.
Because her being Fucking stupid as a Rock has nothing to do w it!
And how many other black on black crimes will you liberal Fucks Ignore?
George is still dead and finally off dope..Fuck Him!
He planned the whole thing so he could get convicted. He was looking forward to a queer fest in the showers. Fuck him!
Too bad he doesn't have AIDS.
The midget, they are always a hoot.
You mean having to deal w stupid fucking people, lied to by morons, and raise other peoples piece of shit kids. Yes, then cops in this movie and exactly like cops today.