MovieChat Forums > Jsully9 > Replies
Jsully9's Replies
Just ask the January 6th arrestees.
This woman is a Fuckinh whore, how we speak has nothing to do with what kind of people we are. But the amount of cocks this pig has sucked speake volumes about her and liberals.
She Fucking retarded, she was nominated on the color of her skin. It sure as hell wasn't for her meritt or intellect. I'm MLK would be proud, the stupid shit BLM and the democrats are making him roll in his grave.
Keep drinking the Kool-aid. I don't believe 1 oz. of that Bullshit. All the vile shit he did, Fuck Him!
This pig has had more dicks in her than the urinal at the Rose Bowl!
Fuck nooooooooooo!
It's about him not getting a fag Infested shower party in jail. Poor guy, too bad for him!
Oh no, they showed him. What a fucking joke. To hell w Hollywood and the stupid Oscars.
Of course he wont address the slap. He's embarrassed, he just stood there like a huge pussy and let another man bitch slap him on a worldwide stage, And he did nothing.
It was to get eryone out of the casino, so they don't give the money right back.
Keep sucking the glass dick you fucking fool. This shits ALL Biden!
Absolutely, his sniffing and feeling pre teen girls is sickening. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. That's why Hunter is a fucking mess, and reports are he molested his dead brothers daughter.
Fuck him, hes a moron who deserves what he gets. He's dirty in bed w the highest bidder.
It was a weaker moment. He should've hit Chris Rock e a man's punch, not a bitch slap. I suggest Will Smith get the next slap!
I'm a pussy and will just stand here and be embarrassed in front of the world.
Sure will, I dont give a shit about either one, Rock or Smith. Fuck them both!
She's another liberal who can say and do whatever she wants. All her homophobic tweets and bullshit she says on TV. Then her excuse was ny account was hacked. SFTU you lying Bitch!
Thank God we Americans invented American Football. Now we don't have to watch that abysmal shit the third world plays, called soccer. I'd rather smash my testicle w a hammer than watch that mess.
Now Disney wants all kids to be queer. I'm quite sure this is exactly what Walt wanted, for Disney to be the FAG Police.