MovieChat Forums > MovieChatUser497 > Replies
MovieChatUser497's Replies
Right I’m saying after the fight with when Archer (as Castor) and Pollux were talking was Pollux initially unsure as to whether that guy was his brother? I realize after Archer told him “you’re so fucking pathetic” Pollux pretty much knew something was up but I’m talking about before that (and yes it’s very obvious that castor as archer visited Pollux also)
Also I’m sure the real castor disguised as archer visited Pollux right before Archer and told him what was going on
Ok I see just right before Pollux mentioned the LA convention center he seemed to be a little skeptical as to whether that was castor or not.
Also watch the scene again, Archer didn't break Dubov out or remove his restraints, Dubov just got up and started going nuts, Archer just took advantage of the situation. He even stopped Dubov from killing 2 guards.
The biggest thing we need to do is teach to others "if you hear something say something" because a ridiculously high percentage of these shooters tell one or more people they are going to do it beforehand.
All these people talking about background checks don't know what they are talking about, every gun I have bought there was some kind of background check attached to it whether be through my conceal carry permit or my pistol purchase permit.
No I'm saying take a movie that is X/NC-17 and the difference in obscenity between that and an R rated film is more than the differences in obscenity between a PG-13 and R. We don't need 5 ratings.
The difference between R and NC17 is a lot wider than the difference between PG13 and R
There already are background checks even in the reddest of states. Never have I bought a gun without some form of a background check (including the one done on my conceal carry permit)
I love Appetite. Parts of Use Your Illusion are also awesome but it should have been trimmed down to one disk, it was trying to be too big and there was way too much filler
NC17 is far more obscene
Ever since season 11 I could tell trey and Matt were running out of ideas, for me the first 8 seasons are for the most part comedy gold
Young Earth Creationists
I also agree that all of my issues with Rey is the way her character is written, I will say her performance was less cringe worthy in TLJ and that very well could be due to a change in the director.
But what I don't like about her is her saying that the "Mary Sue label is sexist", there have been plenty of strong female characters in cinema before that no one ever complained about because their characters were well written. And before anyone says it yes that term can be applied to a male, my point: In the first 3 Harry Potter films Harry was very much a Mary or Marty or Gary S(t)ue or whatever, it wasn't until the 4th entry that he actually had to face some legitimate challenges and didn't come out on top.
With Leia and Padme I understood who they were and what they valued and that didn't need to be recited to me, I could figure it out by the characters actions, Rey on the other hand has the personality of cardboard.
Once as a prank I gave a mystery box as a Christmas Present that had nothing in it. I got my inspiration from JJ Abrams.
I do not respect the whole "mystery box" concept, in ESB we had no idea a twist was coming so when it did it took us by surprise and shocked us, that's what made it so great. However Jar Jar Abrams has been building his twists up so much that if he doesn't produce something really good it is going to be very disappointing. The only directors I know of who can do a twist well are Christopher Nolan and Alfred Hitchcock.
The only people who I can think of who would make such a scientifically illiterate remark would be creationists like Eric Hovind, Ken Hamm or Ray Comfort but they don't think evolution even happened in the first place (despite the fact that we have seen it happen in a lab with organisms with a quicker reproduction time)
Will Ferrel while I can admit is funny sometimes I never understood the huge fuss over him, he isn't that funny. Also Seth Rogan is not funny at all.
I don't think I can think of a single comedy film that is funny all the way through, there are some comedies that are good all the way through such as Planes, Trains and Automobiles but that wasn't just a comedy it was also a drama about a very lonely guy trying to make friends. Clerks was also good all the way through but again it was also a drama.
I personally think Comedy should be restricted to TV shows, 22 minutes is a much more reasonable amount of time to be funny all the way through.