Cyllidyv's Replies

True. Well, yeah, but we are talking real life as in no special effects. That makes sense. Yeah, i know, basically a floating pile of puke XD They already caught a few chupacabras. It is a type of wolf that licks blood from wounds. The animal really does look like a monster from a horror film though. Well. Also the food in your stomach would probably stay visible since it isn't really part of your body. The one thing that has stuck with me from Heroes is the girl who had rapid healing and did all sorts of nasty things like sticking her hand into a grinder and such. It would be one of the best powers to have though if you could stand the pain. Seems so. I think just the dust and wind would be an instant death at that speed. Yeah, bugs have a different way to breath, it would be like trying to breath underwater. You aren't built for it. True that. Saw 2. The first one while being decent doesn't even have any real traps. The sequel set the standard for the franchise. That is the one all the other ones are copying since then. Not the original. The first one has that amazing twist ending though. I give it that much. I have fished Piranhas in Venezuela. I suppose you could wear pilot glasses :-D I agree with you though. Imagine flying into a little bird at 200 mph. It would be like a bullet of feathers. Thank you. The city in Kiki's Delivery Service. lol, yeah, i realized that too. Spell your name backwards is the worst imaginable game to play for any girl with that name. Life is hard. Death is the award. Ask the corpses in my yard.