MovieChat Forums > Martindo > Replies
Martindo's Replies
Exactly. Both of these had an article in front of the name because they were considered a *region* by nearby countries. Formally, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, so they still like "the" to refer to geography.
Similarly, non-countries can be called "The Levant" or "The Sahara".
Yeah, like color instead of colour.
He graduated by the time the case went to trial.
I had to look up IMDB to recognize Joe Morton playing the role of creator of Skynet. He starred in the outstanding spoof Brother from Another Planet, hunted by two other aliens played by David Strathairn and director John Sayles.
Most are, except the ones making a dishonest living from moral panic by leading CRT workshops.
Are you actually looking for advice? I can give you some tips about forestalling/testing (warning signs) if they involve face-to-face interaction. For example, girlfriend says, "Give me money to take a taxi home" then she takes a bus and pockets the difference. Simple defense: Call the taxi/Grab and pay it before she gets in. Watch her reaction: if frustrated, Watch Out!
Similar for relatives needing care: "My mother needs money to see the doctor." OK, spend 1/2 day and take her there. If she looks disappointed, that means it might have been a scam. Expect a lot more like that if you ever actually get married.
Did they ask us to?
Why not? I thought you were going to ask if it's ok to let your kids walk in your neighborhood, considering helicopter parenting and this kind of (literal) nanny state trend:
Let's assume that the bird quip is tongue in cheek and not some really bizarre reasoning about homonyms.
Doyou still like Peking and Bombay? The point of the change is to recognize how the citizens call their own place.
What gives you (or me) any authority to oppose or permit?
You do have a point about spelling, but English generally adapts a foreign alphabet. Remember CCCP? It's Cyrillic for USSR.
How about this word, now beloved of people who fawn over bread-and-circuses superhero movies: ubermensch. In the original German, it has an umlaut over the U similar to the new spelling for Turkey. Look it up in your regular dictionary.
Yeah 5 or 6 for the song. Maybe 7 or 8 for the "ingenious" tech that enabled extracting dead Lennon's voice.
Can't you find something positive to post about sex? Such as this, from a reputable source:
I knew right away whom you meant. I think I was shocked more by the suicide of Philip Seymour Hoffman about 6 months earlier. He wasn't as freaky as Robin, and comedians tend to have a high suicide rate in general. The weird part in terms of my "aftershock" is that they co-starred in Patch Adams, about an innovative health clinic founded by a creatively non-conformist doctor (Patch Adams) -- but it closed when the staff were disillusioned by the suicide of one of their patients.
I vaguely recall seeing excerpts quoted in the media, or maybe even wikipedia. The point isn't whether his DEscription resonates as truth. The point is whether his PREscription of violent "correction" is worth giving credence to.
Is your post a knee-jerk echoing of dominant media narrative? Have you heard of the following movie made by a woman?
--It is not, however, an opinion shared by Alex Lee Moyer, the director of *TFW No GF*, a featured SXSW documentary that is now streaming on Amazon Prime. On the contrary, Moyer believes that incels have been woefully misrepresented by a hysterical media, intent on making disaffected young white men a cultural boogeyman. “These people feel adrift and they don’t have families that are super present, and they don’t have a lot of economic opportunities. A lot of them didn’t finish school,” she tells Rolling Stone.--
Uh, didn't you say ONE life? If you're talking ratios, then wait for movie about this, or watch the TV series:
The drive for diversity also insists on "no tokens". Ergo, you need at least two of each identity tag. However, when the method is simply mix-and-match to fill a quota, the gay couples don't seem to blend with the plot (unless the entire movie is about gay relationships, such as dating, family acceptance). In this case, I felt they did fit, and the Goyer story would have seemed different if they'd been swapped out for a heterosexual couple playing those two characters.
Good question. So mere millions of dollars aren't enough, like in the Russell Crowe movie Proof of Life?
Season 2 plays a lot of games with extra dimensionality, including the innovative re-embodiment of virtual Hari.
So we viewers are directed/suggested to assume that any number of "people" can fit into the Vault.
See my review for a short discussion of continuity tricks in Season 2: