KatieHolland's Replies

I haven't seen enough of his work to say, but I really like "The Usual Suspects" I don't know, I guess it depends on the author. I've read plenty of predictable books and seen plenty of predictable movies, but they weren't all bad. I've probably smoked 10 regular cigs my entire life. I don't really get the point. It's a shit song. But there's far worse popular songs out there. Haha. Why didn't you like it? The few regular smokers I know, notice and do the best they can to fix it. But there isn't much you can do. Then your neighbors have shit weed. Good weed smells great. I can't tell what a strain is, just from the smell but I can tell good weed/bad weed from the smell. Well, they shoulda known and gotten more in stock. I don't visit pot shops. I'm not going to give the government a dime, I'll always get it off the streets. So I don't know how easy that would be to get more stock, but it can't be super difficult. I smoke weed more than Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson combined (okay, probably not. But my blood type is probably pure THC) I recently got a complaint made against me at my apartment complex for the weed smell. I wanted to tell my neighbors to fuck off. But, I refrained and got a smoke buddy. We'll see if it works. With that said, duh weed should be legal. They're good. But my buddy once described Trivium as "meth Metallica" and now that's all I think of them as XD I like the casting of Hank. Who'd you cast? I think he'll do just fine. Honestly? I don't like ice cream. I've never read the book. But it's on my TBR list. But I've got 500 something books on there, and I don't know how far down the list it is XD But LFTF already had a film adaptation, but I've never seen it. XD I flunked out of college. Eventually, I'll go back. But I've been out for 3-4 years. I read "Grapes of Wrath" prior to "Of Mice and Men" and I didn't like either. I've tried to reread them both as an adult, but couldn't get into them. I just don't like Steinbeck. Same with Hemmingway. Same. Haha. I absolutely HATED "To kill a mockingbird" in school. But I reread it as an adult, it's fantastic. I think I hated it because I was being forced to read it. I'm a woman, so a foggy mirror doesn't make a difference to me haha. But the way you do it makes sense. Nah, I had hotdogs for dinner.