Redsfan001's Replies

That is what is on my mind. When the hijackers stayed in the USA most could not speak English well, they needed help filling out forms, finding a place to stay, money etc..According to the redacted pages of the 9 11 commission report, several Saudi Royals we're instrumental in providing the hijackers with help. (Sigh...) I guess that Sauds are too strong of a strategic partner to make a big deal about it. Do they give the names of the Saudi royals who helped them when they stayed in America? THEN I would read it... I have heard that some law professors will take a famous movie, take a character from it and ask students to make arguments for AND against that persons actions. Being a lawyer for Charlmers is certainly the more difficult task. Ok thanks it has been a long time since I have seen it. I understand what you are saying ,that Chalmers actions look reasonable after the 'Ross' killing. However in such a high profile case Chalmers was very quick to fold his cards. Ross was obviously the key witness, without him a conviction would be unlikely. After the killing Chalmers had two choices. One was listen to an experienced police detective with a good reputation about his instinct that something was not right with 'Ross', give Bullitt time to solve it while holding off the press or ..fold up shop and lay blame, saving his own ass. The public tends not to like it when mobsters are released because the DA has no case. It is probable that Chalmers hyped up the event of a upcoming star witness to the press. The movie does not show the effect of the power of the press. Chalmers would have been catapulted into stardom if he was successful in bringing down a powerful syndicate. When his key witness was killed obviously he would look like a boob. If it was found out that he sent the SFPD to guard the wrong man, he would look like a moron. The ironic thing is that even if Chalmers backed up Bullitt, his career would have been over. Being duped by the mob into believing the Remick was Ross is not easily forgotton. Rudy Giuliani's career was made in the 80's by successfully prosecuting a powerful crime family in New York by the way. It is also telling that this script along with 'The Thomas Crown Affair' was written by a lawyer. Most of the governor's, senators and congressmen in the US are former lawyers. It seems that the writer knew the Chalmers type well. I got mixed up thinking that Chalmers was a DA, but he is a Senator...I don't know if he is a state senator or a US senator...either way the debacle will not look good for his reelection. The Chalmers character represented career ambitions over justice.After the debacle where the fake Jonny Ross is killed, Chalmers wanted the case closed and to distance himself by blaming Bullitt. For many people in higher office, placing blame on someone else is a cruel tool of political survival. However Bullitt is built as a detective that wants to solve cases, and is relatively uninterested in career advancement and ultimatley out manouvered Chalmers. Chalmers adds a complexity that can be lost on younger viewers without career experience. People in middle age who have been back stabbed by corporate climers know of the Chalmers characters well. What is interesting to me is that he is still alive! He also had a relationship with Marilyn Monroe. She did not date younger men, so that means he most probably is the last person on the planet who knows who it was like to sleep with her! Simply put, to show that Cliff can resist temptation. As I said in a earlier post, the key to understanding the character of Cliff is Steve McQueen. Cliff carries himself with the cool self confidence of a Steve McQueen character, not in a boastful way that is common in today's heros. If you have seen most of McQueens movies, you would know that his character would never accept an underage blowjob let alone while driving. It also as you suggest, might be a slight dig on Polanski. Are you a fan of Steve McQueen? I am and he is and important key to understanding the character of Cliff. I have seen most of McQueen's movies, the Cliff character comes across as most Mcqueen-like. One of McQueen's more underrated movies was Papillon. A key scene in the movie, McQueen's character does not give the name of the person that was sending him coconuts while in solitary confinement. The guards find out and put him on half rations for the remainder of his stay, almost killing him. After he gets out the the person giving him the coconuts(played by Dustin Hoffman) gave Papillon a great compliment which goes as follows; "Someone once said 'Temptation resisted is the true measure of man'". THAT is why this is put in, to show the measure of the man. I am around Brad Pitts age, a few years younger perhaps but I can comprehend his point of view better than a 20 or 30 something. Time is passing, the look he gives her is not just sexual, but a look that admires youthfulness in it's whole( free spirtiness, creativity, learning new things etc). A look that sort of envys in a good way all the experiences ahead of her. If you are a poster under 40, it would be hard for you to understand this look. How old is Mr. Gibosn 70? Just because he asked doesn't necesarily mean that he was willing. A blunt "You are too young" would have killed the rappor. Cliff was smart enough to know that a free spirit like her probably does not have ID on her. The way he responded to her advance showed considerable social skills, acknowledging her sexuality, not making her feel bad for asking and further more giving a good reason to turn her down. Not many people could have threaded the needle as well. No but he was kind of a throwback type of hero, devoted to his dog, quite, good moral center. Sightly overkill near the end but a verylikable character none the less. 6) He is showing moral character. This used to be the default reason for the hero, but people have trouble seeing it nowadays. I have read most of wilkipedias bio on Prof X, (wow is it long). In it he has stepped down,died,bickered with members,started other academies, placed in prison, but never so unceremoniously forced out as depected in this film! A short scene where he by choice and the good of the academy,resigned would have been great. But that was not put in. Leaving the viewer to the assumption that he was forced out, which in my view would have been a wrong. Oh I was told different. Could you give comic #s where this has happened? In the original Dark Phoenix comic Prof X was not kicked out. I don't think that this change is a coincidence. Do you think what happened to Prof X was just in this movie? It is hard for me to say that it was. How did the power transfer happen? A scene where Prof X resigns would have explained much, but was it was not put in. Did he resign or was he forced out? The viewer is left in the dark. I have no genda just texting a viewpoint. I stand by the view that Hollywood does not have any conservative people left creating films. Yes he can come across sometimes as haughty and full of himself, but do you think he deserved to get kicked out of his own Academy? That was my point. The fact that Xmen comics goes back some 50 years and this NEVER happened (Prof X getting kicked out) is a dog whistle to the political atmosphere of the times. Script writers know this and some are sure of putting left leaning viewpoints (a murky but sometimes not concept) into their work. I am not a fan of Trump, his divisive rhetoric and poor character is bad for America. I am also not a fan of divisive language that people on the left use. 'White privilege' is one of these words. Many poor white people are flummoxed at this use. Just go to a trailer park in Mississippi and ask a white person about 'white privilege' and what it means. Those words also connote that people who are white and work hard to improve their station don't really deserve it. It reminds me of an old Eddie Murphy SNL sketch where he uses NBC makeup artist to turn himself into a white businessman.Murphy found out a startling secret...white men ... Give things to each other! Did you watch the 2019 Oscars? It definitely had a anti white male vibe going on. I agree that diversity is a great thing! However, Hollywood is forgetting to include political diverse viewpoints in it's movies. Conservative script writers don't get much work these days. But writers that can take a dump on white males in power do. I say that because I feel that what happened to Prof X was unjust. In fact in the Marvel universe, Prof X was NEVER kicked out of the academy he founded! But it fit perfectly in to the left leaning narrative of today's Hollywood. The script was deemed 'correct'.