JoWilli's Replies

will do thanks. the dance is now a part of my morning workout. [–] Kowalski (75201) a day ago LET'S FIND OUT....TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF. guess thats better than nuclear annihilation. well this didnt age very well. lol MAGA winning! all seasons of GoT were great, except when they killed the mother of dragons. that made no sense. Here is Trump complaining about stolen elections. haha, you got Trump Rolled. lol thats even better. poor Joe, who is he shaking hands with? that poor secret service guy had to chase him down once again. he is basically hospice worker. I loved XP, it was so user friendly and a lot easier to navigate. I thought they were jumping to 12? thats scary, what happened to my life. thanks, now I cant stop watching it. :) the comments are hilarious. Take care joe . Gone in a portal .. gone .. but not forgotten Chupacabra country, stay on the trail Joe. hahaha, thats priceless. I havent seen this yet. I guess he was going back to his village as the head Shaman. is that the one from a couple months ago? no worries he is sharp as a tack. look jack, you should be lucky Joe is not knocking on your door asking if you want to bounce on his lap. Big Nick has been working out. dump 81 million votes. FTX has also played a role in providing Ukraine with the capability to receive cryptocurrency donations since Russia's invasion. In March 2022, the Ukrainian government launched a crypto donations website, Aid for Ukraine, with the backing of FTX, to route donated crypto to the National Bank of Ukraine. According to its website, Aid for Ukraine has received more than $60 million in donations including 611 Bitcoin, 10,723 Ethereum, and 15,048,821 USDT (which is at least on paper supposed to be pegged to the U.S. dollar, though that may be no longer tenable). Corruption concerns involving Ukraine are revived as the war with Russia drags on