MovieChat Forums > Primrose

Primrose (41)


Based on true story and other Legally Blonde facts Found out much early View all posts >


so sick of people who can't handle other point of views and have to insult them. AGREE! Saying Neve unattractve just because these people don't doesn't mean she isn't! Such entitlement these guys have! I found the other girl non attractive but i thought may be others wud find her attractive. She was made to look bad! She is hot, charming and beautiful for my eyes. Not for some people's eyes who speak here. Iam a Neve Campbell fan and i strongly disagree with anyone who finds her unattractive! Different taste for diff. people. Who are you to decide the other one is best and Neve is worst? Don't you have minimum ethics that her fans feel insulted on your own views made by your lens? I for myself didn't find what is there in the other girl! Neve is the best and special. this movie is much better in atmosphere and acting. The girl acted well. Ofcourse i cant expect baby child to act well but he looked cute and naughty like someone said here not scary at all! Babies may scare some, but only some babies and this one definitely didn't. I too thought about that. Onething Warner stereotyped her as dumb blonde and not looked her intelligence. He is not right for her. He cares only for himself! He just want the smartest girl. It is all about him. Another, she has now developed a bond with Emmett who really believed in her. On the other hand Vivian appreciated her being trustful. You do become friends with the enemies. It is common and past things are good memories. What Vivian did isn't as bad as Warner. The movie only gradually becomes much better with every passing half an hour. I assure you. Iam not impressed when i first put it till an half an hour like you and even for an hour it is just ok, but as you go more and as the movie ends you are left with a sweet beautiful feeling just like after You've got a mail. you finish along with a new found love for romedies. Never write on a movie without finishing it! Yes it is just you. Iam a girl and i found her gorgeous. She is very, very intelligent actress. Diff. tastes for diff. people. It didn't look good to u but it is very well from my lens. Gothic genre is not for everyone. View all replies >