MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > wouldn't doubling the population of univ...

wouldn't doubling the population of universe all of a sudden after 5 years create an instant chaos?

is this a plothole?


Yes it probably would cause instant chaos, but why would it be a plot hole?


because universe most probably would be in a terrible state. way less resources(half population creating it) for double the population. which means heroes effort went on to make things worse.


The effort went in to bringing back those who were lost and the mission succeeded. True, at a cost to the economy if you like, but they obviously felt it was worth it.
No plot hole.


Stop looking for plotholes in fucking fantasy movies!

Flying through space without a pressure-radiation suit is impossible. For ANY organism

Time-travel to the past, as far as we know, is impossible

Becoming a green giant through gamma rays is impossible

Shrinking to the size of an atom while retaining your human-body is super fucking stupid

Growing to the size of a giant without your bodily organs failing is impossible

These movies are not supposed to be realistic. If you dissect them then they all have dozens upon dozens of plot holes and impossible moments. Just watch them and stop trying to out-think the creators


why? whole plot point of infinity war was about fucking resources and population control.


Thanos's plan was stupid as fuck, if you know anything about Malthusian economics then you knew that from the get-go. That is not a question. That is why I disliked Infinity war and why I loved Endgame. Endgame does not make Thanos a sympathetic villain, just an evil tyrant, which he should be. He is not sympathetic

But yes, his plan is super retarded. That does not mean that plot holes should play in role in your enjoyment of this mindlessly stupid, yet fun franchise


wouldn't really care about it if it weren't for the movie making the big deal about it. i agree tho, thanos's plan was stupid and was actually surprised most thought it made sense.


The writers of the last few movies have gone out of their way to make the plots seem way more intellectual than they are, or could ever hope to be

I blame it on insecurity. Movies like the Dark Knight trilogy and shows like Daredevil showed that you can make superheroes with plots that are at least somewhat realistic and thoughtful

So these Russo Brother nobodies tried to re-create that, but the Avengers franchise cannot co exist with that type of writing. It's like oil and water, and the results showed. At least to anybody who isn't a fanboy in the MCU cult

I enjoy these movies, but they are super stupid, plain and simple. Nothing about them is even remotely plausible. You cannot look for plot holes in them because these movies only exist on the basis of plot holes. In that sense, they are truer to comic books than any other superhero franchise
