randir14's Replies

Cavill is an actual 40K fan who paints the miniatures and plays tabletop, and he's going to have creative control of the series. So you should at least have some hope that it'll be decent. This is a guy who's such a fan of the Witcher games and books that he kept defying the writers and producers by making last minute changes in an attempt to stop them from fucking up the show. If 40K fails with someone like him at the helm then you can probably rule out a good 40K series or movie ever being made. It's from this https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5509852/?ref_=nm_knf_t_1 It is real. It's the one episode I remember because it scared me. But like I said my memory of it is vague, I just remember a floating ghostly horse head on a beach at night. Also some guy with a mustache talking about witnessing it. There was one episode that scared me when I was a kid, but I only vaguely remember it. It was something about people seeing a ghostly disembodied horse head on a beach at night. The video is removed but you can find the scene if you search "Unsolved Mysteries blackface". And there's a black actor playing a cop sitting next to the guy, so there goes your bullshit reasoning for why it happened. Any male still working on the show was part of the problem. Anyone who wanted to make an accurate Tolkien show would've left long before. Look at Henry Cavill, a fan of the Witcher books and games who quit the Witcher show because he realized it was only going to get worse. What makes you think they don't, one of my friends is conservative and owns a Tesla. He even paid to get a charger installed in his garage. There are plenty of non-Space Marine roles. Awhile ago GW was trying to make an Eisenhorn TV show, Space Marines aren't even in those books. Some of the elements caught me off guard, like the blue fairy looking like a Biblical description of an angel. If you want to get technical Santa should be played by a Greek. I remember years ago he talked about the first time he moved to the US and had to fill out some immigration form. When he marked his race as white, the worker kept saying "no you have to put latino/hispanic." Yes she is, but it'll be for a Democrat. You should support his efforts, after all it's your side who hate free speech and want to abolish the 2nd Amendment. You couldn't sound more like a fedora tipper if you tried. I've never done it so I don't know the details. But I do know it's preferable to being forcibly admitted. In the latter case you can lose certain rights for a period of time, like losing the ability to buy a gun for a year or more. You sound like Hitler yourself. "Imprison and execute anyone I don't like." Fuck off. Elon doesn't support free speech despite his claims. Supporting free speech means you allow that which you don't agree with and maybe hate with every fiber of your being. He should take a clue from when Jewish ACLU lawyers defended neo-Nazis' right to have a parade back in the 70's. Yeah Only if enough people voted for him for the lulz Good, Tim Pool sucks.