MovieChat Forums > codebasher > Replies
codebasher's Replies
When it comes to showing heart while being 'cold and stoic' Emily Blunt was perfect in 'Edge of Tomorrow', where she was utterly burnt out after repeating time for years yet we saw inside her soul from the git go. Emily was never flat or wooden for a single minute in the entire movie. I think her superior acting range would have made a huge improvement over Larson.
I wonder, in the Scenes where she got to be an asshole towards a white male, she enjoyed the moment so much she forgot to act. After seeing her in public this girl has some issues. Or is Hollywood so infected with creeps she doesn't get to spend time with ordinary decent people?
I get the impression it's the SJW crowd spitting the dummy because Alita is thousand times better the sjw fan flick Captian Marvell.
What's comical is Capt Marvel's Brie Larson went to all the trouble of employing an ass double because her butt is too ugly. Not one word was spoken about that by any social justice troll ever.
I think they did, but the thing is the MCU is just too strong and they had no need to at all.
After End Game the next Capt Marvel movie numbers will tell us all how this has really panned out. CM was a very average movie, that is the only thing audiences will really remember next time.
I hope Rotton Tomatoes thought that completely obliterating every bit of credibility they had was worth it for just one movie. I have never seen so many shenanigans in all my life.
* Deleting not-want to see
* lying about it
* Deleting 25,000 neg votes
* Shilling positive votes by corrupt 'professional critics'
* Accidently admitting to their first lie because they failed to get their lies in sync.
* Shill media exposed in critic interview where he explains why access media must "play ball" to keep access.
* Fake positive votes.. "It's plain and simple", they didn't even change the text
* lying about that too
* Getting caught again about that lie
* Somewhere in there another 40,000 votes instantly vanished from 55,000 to 15,000 and audience score ran upwards.
* deleting unknown thousands of low votes, still ongoing. Voting low & giving review = deleted
Some people are claiming some kind of conspiracy. I don't think so. This is a comedy of errors. :D
TexasJack, you're so right. With such a simple test why is it so hard to understand?
I can just imagine the explosive roar if she simply replaced White men with black men. All these apologists would be calling for her crucifixion.
Sokar, Your beautiful post contains far too much common sense, facts and logic. Please revise.
It is a shame bitter SJW types won't listen to a word you said but at least I appreciate your efforts.
Too right, Alita Battle Angel was the best Movie I've seen in Years.