ctwdidswej's Replies

Are rich people still allowed to have private security, or is this new law only for poor people? Next time it happens they should call 911. Yeah then next time we can blame free speech and take that away too. Hey let's give trillions of dollars to the people who make the pharmaceutical drugs all these shooters are on. Free healthcare! America has been starting wars all over the place for years and you just now started caring about "gun violence"? Wow I never realized how virtuous you are. Please don't push click bait. Liberals have to be better than this. Oh, so that's why they never did this to Bush and Obama... Most people are independent and much more concerned about ending wars or getting free healthcare than your goal of turning Capital Hill blue. You've convinced yourself that people like Beto are centrist and therefore more viable that socialists like Sanders. Party loyalists on the other side tried to stick us with Jeb Bush for the same reason. We don't need you to stick us with yet another manufactured corporate candidate like Hillary under the same false pretense. We're phobic we won't have a real option. No. I didn't ask about people not ready to be parents. You avoided the issue completely and tried to pat yourself on the back for it. I don't want to hear about how hateful you are toward "bigots". Homosexuals face all kinds of health issues and that's not the point anyway unless you're trying to tell me we can finally stop spending so much money on AIDS. Why? You said you this is about justice. He says she definitely wins the primary though, for the same reasons. Al Gore's massive carbon footprint validates carbon taxes? Some high IQ people do not become rich, so I would be just as happy to have a low IQ son, because he could win the lottery? So then I said, kiss my asphalt. Just because you're 10 feet tall doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. For some reason there are a lot of liberal female users who claim to hate politics but take every opportunity to make passive aggressive comments about it. It's like you know your views are indefensible, but you just have this compulsion to have an opinion about something and let out hostility. Spoiled brats. Nigeria is blacker than Mississippi. Why aren't they "mobilized as progressive voters"? I don't understand this alliance between extremely wealthy whites and extremely poor blacks. The Democrat party looks like a plantation. Why do you want one giant health care provider with no competition to keep them honest? But that's the same system every western country has (except England, which is denying service to obese people to save money). They all make you buy insurance from private companies. The difference between America and other countries is not the system. It's the definition of health care, and it's the health of the population. Americans just aren't as healthy as Europeans. We consume way more healthcare than any other country, because of how sick we are. We also require insurance to cover all sorts of boondoggles like drug addiction, AIDS, psychotherapy, etc... These are not catastrophic "dying in the streets" issues. Our health care is more expensive because we force everyone to pay for much more comprehensive care than in Europe. Canada doesn't even cover pharmaceuticals. That's actually part of the reason they are cheaper there, same reason advancing tech like LASIK eye surgery comes down in price in America while age old Insulin goes up in price. America has terrible intellectual property laws. America's health care wasn't always socialized and it wasn't always expensive. We have been moving steadily in the wrong direction. Food allergies? Fancy restuaruants use the same artificial ingredients as fast food, and that wine menu is the biggest rip off since that watered down chlorinated sludge they call soda at the movie theaters. People go out to eat because they're tired from working all day and don't feel like cooking. If you want high quality, you have to go back in time, and then you can go anywhere, even McDonnalds.