Miyagido's Replies

Yeah guaranteed your pathetic self was posting about Rittenhouse murdering people, you are very smart. I bet you also thought those schoolkids barged up to that poor native American and laughed in his face too, your side has a very poor track record of judging these things, you tend to defend the disgusting criminals and persecute the innocent ie protest for the rapist Jacob Blake in Kenosha and hound the innocent man Rittenhouse for being attacked. Same thing here you're attacking the innocent man Trump and defending the degenerate commie criminals in charge. You're all scummy degenerate birds of a feather. Perfect example right here - https://moviechat.org/nm0874339/Donald-Trump/64e8077667aa4224afc7afd7/DJT-has-returned-to-TwitterX?reply=64e8a6c567aa4224afc7b370 You're wasting your time, these idiots have limited concept of voting for policy, they're just mindless cheerleaders for their team that's why they project that onto Trump supporters saying MAGA is a cult etc, as usual it's all just left wing self reporting on how THEY act. THEY think their candidates have warm fuzzy feelings for them so obviously Trump supporters feel that way too! Dem campaigning and policy reflect this with offering them lots of feel good promises or offering policy that wipes out student debt, talking about equality etc. They really think the Dems care about them. RockAway was a good example last night after the mugshot was released, posting nonsense about "oh his eyes look red like he's been crying" I mean what man thinks that way? Well maybe RockAway does? Maybe RockAway has no mental fortitude or bravery so if placed in the same situation where an oppressive regime was exerting legal pressure over him and he was arrested and mugshotted, well then RockAway would break and crumble ergo everyone else would break and crumble too. They have no frame of reference outside their own experience so can't imagine any other possibility. Copied and pasted here because you deleted the original post for some reason. Aww how upset are you that your communist smears are failing? Did you think you could just arrest him and it will all go away? The country is in a burning dumpster because you absolute degenerates set fire to that dumpster while cheering like the dumpster fire started by Joesph Rosenbaum in Kenosha, and exactly like Kenosha the man trying to stop the fire is being attacked by your mongoloid footsoldiers for doing it! Well the parallels with Rittenhouse and Kenosha do not end there, do you remember the Rittenhouse trial? Think back to it, do you remember how certain you all were that Kyle was guilty of murder and was going to jail? Really think back to that certainty and all the smugness you felt over it. Do you remember how wrong you all were? Think back to that certainty you felt again. How certain do you feel right now about these bullshit indictments being the end of Trump? 115million views, I reckon that will convert into a nice chunk of revenue to fund his legal battles! Oh and don't forget to buy yourself some sweet official mugshot merch from the MAGA Gear store! https://secure.winred.com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/storefront/ Enrage a commie today by funding the one billionaire they hate the most! Do your part. https://scontent-hou1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/23231204_538037326551277_1428049978797394964_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=d7wNXXt9ZPwAX-OU9aq&_nc_ht=scontent-hou1-1.xx&oh=00_AfCl5XRQCCIZSIDM7JJdsp7Q0kn8hwS-grJ_x6GrgzCZew&oe=65102041 Fucking vote riggers https://twitter.com/KAndersonAkron/status/1694917179836129501?s=20 Well I already told you I could safely ignore you and miss absolutely nothing so why tf not? Bye bitch I just cancelled you from my screen. https://i.imgflip.com/35dmxh.png?a468960 Bye fag https://media.tenor.com/OjXdXl2apTYAAAAC/demolition-man-wesley-snipes.gif Come get me fag Yep it must be terrible to have to talk to conservatives on Twitter without being able to censor them like you guys are used to doing, Elon should just have left Twitter alone so you don't get upset about it like a pathetic loser. My favourite thing about that is all of the haters saying how it's not true and it's all made up lies about his height and weight. I'm very happy they have given us the precedent of arbitrarily deciding which official documents that come out of Fulton are legit as now it will be so much easier for us to arbitrarily dismiss any official documents coming out of Fulton convicting Trump of anything. It's not true and it's all made up lies too! No how about you watch Elon and Trump The Lovely and Kind Chaps to get rid of your hateful way of thinking? Yes it's terrible I can only read one word answers :^) You're blocked retard, you can bump my threads as much as you want but you're too much of a mongoloid to deal with so you're blocked whoever you are. Thanks for bumping the thread though you pathetic loser. Here's a pissed off braindead left wing retard bumped the thread now. You're blocked whoever you are, isn't cancel culture a bitch? I cancelled you from my screen lol No no no, the communist persecution against him is finished. MAGA is galvanised after this, MAGA is taking back America from the communists who tried to steal it. No one cares if you can't believe that Trump isn't disqualified based purely on accusations because the charges are all bogus nonsense drummed up by communist organ grinders and their weaponised DA monkeys. Yes one of the DAs is black and i called them monkeys. No it wasn't racist, learn how to think if you think it was. Another million in the last 4 mins, 20 million now. Trump is speedrunning social media. Another 4 million in the last 15 mins, sitting at 19 million now. There was a debate yesterday? I don't think anyone is talking about that lol