Miyagido's Replies

Thanks for the bump Trump 24 MAGA All they care about is feel good sloganeering, they ignore the reality constantly. How many failed businesses do you have? No surprise that a degenerate like you defends baby murder. So don't give large contracts to black people is your point? No not any Republican is decent but yes all Dems are demonic. What a surprise that you were impressed by AnagramYYZ's substance free post! <blockquote>Democrats value public service and prior experience in government</blockquote> Yes that's why the blue cities look like the sets from TWD with human faeces and junkies laying everywhere, and people robbing unconscious elderly people, because of all the prior experience you Dems value in public service :^) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F35HwB6WUAIlKJN?format=jpg&name=small https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1692502874570547299?s=20 https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1692638753674719306?s=20 https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1692387126527377878?s=20 <blockquote><b>Any</b> attempt to avoid or answer this question outside of a <b>yes or no</b> is a tacit admission of your <i><b>lies and misinformation</b></i> FYI</blockquote> <i>*crickets chirping*</i> :^) Oh no the dirty communist is upset that I accurately described them. Gulag. <blockquote>You might actually be retarded.</blockquote> You sound ableist :^) Oh no the dirty communist called me a nazi, ruined my whole day! Get in the fucking gulag. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F3ekFPsW4AA9wty?format=jpg&name=medium Congratulations on your victory against that strawman, you dirty commie. Get in in the gulag. LMAO Linehan is such a funny writer, such a shame he's still getting hounded by all of the crazy troons for defending women's rights. I really hope you commies can get thrown in the gulags you need. You're clearly enemies of the state and should be treated as such. <blockquote>the entire science community</blockquote> doesn't exist, there is no entire science community. Just more buzzword drivel from the kind of idiots who follow IFLS on Facebook. :^) OK groomer. You're projecting again. Apologize to these nuts