Miyagido's Replies

Yes yes VoiceofRacism I can certainly see why the party that fought to keep slaves then founded the KKK would want everybody to think they had magically swapped positions at some point in history, that would be very handy for you wouldn't it sweety! It's just like that time the allies and Nazis just arbitrarily swapped ideologies oh wait no that's retarded lol, seethe more you racist POS Yes you literally just seethed and coped over this with me sweety that's right lol. Typical low IQ racist and their mental gymnastics to justify their gross attitudes and behavior. History won't let you hide away though lol, forever the party that fought a war with it's own people so they could keep slaves Democrats are the party of slavery and the KKK, you post links from The Guardian built from money literally made off of the backs of slaves. Republicans freed the slaves. Seethe and cope more sweety. Nooo I'm realigning again! Now I'm against open borders again! Damn realignment! Wait can you feel that? I..can feel myself..realigning! Now I'm totally for open border policies! Mmhmm mmhm yes that sounds completely believable, I for one always just completely reverse all of my standards and morals mmhmm. That's definitely not just pathetic cope from a party of shitty racists no sir. I just get so sleepy for some reason Time for a snooze I'm so sleepy Posts from racist publications, supports the party of the KKK. Yep you're a racist, maybe you can unlearn your shitty attitudes over time but probably not. You're in denial so think it's normal to be a POS So you're offering dick pics You're offering people dick pics I guess? A post of high substance, there it isn't. OMG so sleepy, talking with racists is so tiring I just got up but suddenly I'm so sleepy again There's no evidence you're a human No that was all debunked, stop peddling Q tier conspiracy theories So tired I could really sleep "Condemns" "Insurrectionists" fuck off duplicitous faggy whiner Only in your head, in reality there's video evidence of Trump calling for peace. If you voted for Biden then you're a damn creep. Pedo too.