MovieChat Forums > Miyagido > Replies
Miyagido's Replies
And doing a very convincing job, judging by the replies! That's how batshit insane leftie SJWs seem to people!
It's to be expected from degenerates I suppose.
Yes but all that only happened in your soy-addled brain
And here's your L
Quality posts! That was sarcasm btw, I thought I'd better explain it as you're mentally challenged. I accept your concession, save your shitty replies as I am deplatforming you from my screen. You won't be making any posts of substance as you've already proven so you lose access to my screen real estate. Bye cuck
Boohoo reality bites cuck
You got your booty blasted when your "evidence" got BTFO, deal with it
Eat shit you gaslighting cuck
Cite sources, we all know you can't though lmao
You can't post a single example of what you claim. Fail.
And here's your L
Not one single example.
A "fact check" by a failed liberal blogger is worthless, Snopes has been debunked sorry.
No you didn't give me any examples, all you gave me were more accusations.
It's cool how your opinion is made by fraudsters who spend their donations on prostitutes, I can make my own opinions however and don't need to be told what the acceptable narrative is.
"Did I claim to have?"
Why else did you post Snopes in reply to my post asking for evidence? Are you mental?
You haven't got a single example have you?
Snopes lmao... so no actual examples then. But it was a regular feature apparently, surely there are countless examples. Snopes is no authority on anything at all! Take your gaslighting bullshit elsewhere.
Yes you concede I get it, lmao
I notice how you chose to reply to me insulting you but you suspiciously ignored the post where you might have to prove your lies lol
We all know there's zero evidence of what you claimed and it's pure bullshit like 90% of your posts!