Blacklady's Replies

That you are sir, that you are! Just saw the movie! Wow! Will be seeing it again! Don’t miss it for nothing! Saying this and I am done for the night! Because you are ignoring folks again! It’s a trend! It should stop! Or maybe we should ignore you! It’s worked before! Yeah🤧 right And I love how you proved you are a shill for DC and Warner Brothers! Were you not the one who defended Wonder Woman! Another I looked at your account , what would I find? Shilling for DC! Oh you would try to disguise it but you are a DC shill who just got served by a fan who actually plans to watch the movie! But if you followed me on You Tube, you would know otherwise! And you created an account to talk about the Boycott! Thought so DC shilling is one thing but lying about it! Really? And you enjoy your shilling for DC darling White Boy! Another PSB doing his bit for DC Pleade tell me how WJW is better than SJW so you can promote DC comics Talk about a meathead? Find a mirror You can fool yourself, you responded because of the Boycott! Congratulations DC publicist You tell me Mostly the opinions that were ignored! : including those of the family of the pianist You feel the way, I feel about Green Book, and the latest shades of........ They are not gay! You want gay? Watch those 7 shades of............. Yes! I will watch the movie.No, I am not afraid of boys. Darlin, you are obviously triggered when people won’t play into your game NowI know it’s not me Deal with those issues! Quint PSB program I’m engaged “ I”m a White Indignant Male Person WIMP Poor me: Another Beer She did not say that PSB ! What she said was that you would be reviewing alongside Black and Gay reviewers! PS most of the so called left wing and a few business sites have given it good reviews. Forbes is excited too. PSB baby 👶 Crying Oh You Grownups are NPC to me wah Wah Wah Grow up