MovieChat Forums > agaete2305 > Replies
agaete2305's Replies
well, all the characters are female but on of them (Danny) is transgender, the actor who plays Danny is actually transgender
No, the cables just grab her really tight and brake her arm
I thought the elevator cables were going to rape Ellie, just like the 2013 movie
yeah, and that comment makes you better than me? LOL
I think people just don't care about Spielberg's dramas, people want to see science fiction
they DID changed the killer's high at the last part of Scream 6 to made us believe that the killer was Kirby
The little girl is always pissed:
She was ADICTED to M3gan, she was acting just like drug withdrawal, that's the message of the film, we are all becaming adicted to devices
Gemma has no emotions at all:
She has no material to be a mom, she was more racional than emotional, even she said "she's not my child"... at the beggining she was just using Cady to promote M3gan (and to see if it works)
Says the MOST FAMOUS script critic in the world 👏👏👏
thank God you didn't write the script. It would have been a critical and box office bomb.
thank God you didn't write the script. It would have been a critical and box office bomb.
the same thing happen with a zombie movie... they never use the word zombie, they always refer to them as the infected, the walkers, the undead...
JUST 5 minutes??? It felt like 25 minutes
also there
5) I'm talking about the woman in the meeting at the cafe... she said "You shouldn't be there" something like that
The whale scene was terribly made, they did such a terrible job with the CGI I was impressed as well
Only 3? Sure Jan LOL
sometimes you can see is another actor with make-up on it
OMG you are right!!! I was like WHAT?? Tony Stark was in it? I had to find the scene on YouTube.
No wonder Bruce joke about it and say to Jennifer "That was a long time ago, I am a different person now, like LITERALLY a diferent person" LOL
Oh I saw your profile...
Answering everybody to prove your are better than everyone else... oh poor thing, you have TOO MUCH time in your hands don't you 😂😂😂😂😂