whoanelly's Replies

Sheen had been in some brat pack films, platoon, Wall Street, Major League and Hot Shots. Too bad! Alan Rickman’s performance is worth tolerating Costner’s.Nobody has ever — before or since — chewed the scenery as superbly as Rickman does in Robin Hood. Boring and trashy. Although they did interview a professional on camera to discuss how such a high pressure environment, paired with imposter syndrome and other pressures would be very problematic for a recovering substance abuser, they did not present any expert commentary that would refute the ridiculous claims by the hairdresser guy that Cory started using again ecause “someone he loved” supposedly told him to have a drink if he wanted one. Anyone who has lived with a substance abuser can see through all the bullshit wrapped up in that suggestion. 🙄 Everyone else in the BRF who attended the coronation was with their families before and after the ceremony. This could have been a family event for them, but ……. Yikes. Thanks for posting the link. 👍🏼 Settled scores with the RF and with anyone else who “injured” her by telling the truth. Oy, her podcast was so bad. I couldn’t listen to her voice, so I read parts of some of the transcripts. What a cringefest. Yeah, they definitely grifted netfux and horify. But those idiots kinda got what they deserved. And hopefully Liz Garbus is finally recognized as the hack she always was. I don’t think she wants to work that hard. Neither does H. They want all the perks of being upper royals without any of the responsibilities. Totally believable. Crikey, she annoys the fuck out of a lot of people. it’s gross. Shows what a disgusting animal Duncan is. Acorn TV or on dvd. It’s in the novel. She always carried a bouquet of camellias, either red or white. The five days a month she carried red ones most likely refers to menstruation, indicating that she was not available for sex. From the original french: <blockquote>Marguerite assistait à toutes les premières représentations et passait toutes ses soirées au spectacle ou au bal. Chaque fois que l'on jouait une pièce nouvelle, on était sûr de l'y voir, avec trois choses qui ne la quittaient jamais, et qui occupaient toujours le devant de sa loge de rez-de-chaussée: sa lorgnette, un sac de bonbons et un bouquet de camélias. Pendant vingt-cinq jours du mois, les camélias étaient blancs, et pendant cinq ils étaient rouges; on n'a jamais su la raison de cette variété de couleurs, que je signale sans pouvoir l'expliquer, et que les habitués des théâtres où elle allait le plus fréquemment et ses amis avaient remarquée comme moi (2e ch., <i> La dame aux camélias </i> par Alexandre Dumas, fils). </blockquote> Translation <blockquote> Marguerite was always present at every first night, and passed every evening either at the theatre or the ball. Whenever there was a new piece she was certain to be seen, and she invariably had three things with her on the ledge of her ground-floor box: her opera-glass, a bag of sweets, and a bouquet of camellias. For twenty-five days of the month the camellias were white, and for five they were red; no one ever knew the reason of this change of colour, which I mention though I can not explain it; it was noticed both by her friends and by the habitués of the theatres to which she most often went. She was never seen with any flowers but camellias. At the florist’s, Madame Barjon’s, she had come to be called “the Lady of the Camellias,” and the name stuck to her (ch.2, <i>Camille</i> by Alexandre Dumas, fils, translated by Sir Edmond Gosse). </blockquote> I love Dickens, but hate Great Expectations. I hated Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield is annoying AF. Why is it “bad” that the king’s coronation was on his grandson’s bday? It should be something to be proud of. No, I think H was in on it from the beginning. He’s twisted. If she was “Weinstein’d” she could have spoken up during the height of MeToo. Lots of women broke their NDAs with the Weinstein companies and there were no repercussions, (except for Weinstein).