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Topazio's Replies
Yeah, I have a nice memory of it. The only thing I'm sure of is that it's from before 2009 (my memory would say 2006 or 2005, but it could be mistaken). Also I'm pretty sure the friend I mentioned is a kid who looks up to him, and he almost attacks him in his bulldog form while he's wrecking the gym where the ring is and ashamed of his lack of control. I have no memory of the villains, but I think there was a lizard guy and a woman whose power I don't rememeber. The moment I saw Black Mask I was sure it was it, but I skimmed through the movie and found nothing from my memory except for his uniform. I already looked through tenths of superhero and action movies list, found nothing, eh. If I hadn't this memory for so long I'd even think it's this movie and I imagined all the animal stuff.
posted 6 years ago in General Discussion