wickerman1271's Posts

It's time for her to do some Erotic Thrillers is this a Star Wars spin-off? Would you cast him as Peter Parker/SpiderMan? Have they completely lost their f****** minds? Title sounds like a grind core metal band Which movies does she get naked? We need Young Avengers now Why is Passepartout black? Merry Christmas! It makes me sad that the costumes are not comic books accurate They're planning to make a Secret Wars movie - spoilers for No Way Home If they ever remake this they need to cast younger actors Do you think i eat too many burgers? Movies like "The Family Man" (2000)? Is this show depressive? Is this woke? So next year WWIII begins Enough with these Disney kiddy shows Iron Maiden's "Senjutsu" when you start to feel that being old is the beginning...