MovieChat Forums > Cuthbert > Replies
Cuthbert's Replies
No one is saying more money more votes.
You’ve missed the point entirely.
You didn't steamroll anybody kaze.
It wasn't at the Whiskey. It wasn't even in LA. It was at Billy's Topless on 23rd St. in NYC. She was a stripper. Big deal.
AOC has her own thread.
Bernie got 6M in small donations that averaged $27 each from around 223,000 individuals. Hillary got money from big money donors.
Wouldn't private insurance play the role of insuring the people who could afford it either on their own or through work? I would imagine that health care providers would have the option of accepting whatever insurance they wish to, so the top doctors in their fields wouldn't be providing treatment to Medicare patients.
What I understood, and correct me if this is off, but wouldn't Medicare for All mean that everyone is entitled to government insurance, but if you have better insurance from work, then you'd use that. If you are independently wealthy, you'd buy your own top notch insurance, or maybe even go to a doctor who doesn't even accept insurance.
Ok, makes sense.
Guess he didn’t do so well off the show? I only know if him from Dallas.
Why did they do that? Did he leave and come back?
What was the dream season on Dallas? Lol
Ok. I’m not a fan of the show and I was going on memories of hearing about it. Maybe I thought it was still in production.
Frank Barone on Raymond.
The first mom on 8 is Enough.
Howard's mom on BBT.
Hoss' name was Dan Blocker.
Tennis is a hobby. Yachting is a form of the world's oldest profession.
LOL what a joke. [i]“I’m so happy. I’ve been working and been super busy."[/i]
If the rumors are true, by working she means yachting.
Steak and eggs are good after closing the bar. Trick is to be drunk and it's pretty good.
Whatever happened to her anyway?
Dumb and rich. They robbed her several times before she noticed.
I just looked it up. It was called the Bling Ring. She had the key under the mat but the door wasn’t even locked. They chose her first because they thought she was dumb.
Who is he? I’m new but I think I may know.