BurningSun's Replies

It’s a fantastic film on a visual and performance level. The individual scenes on their own are all great. However, I felt there wasn’t much connecting the scenes together. There’s not really a good plot besides “two dudes at a lighthouse” until the last 20 minutes. It really guided me back to shore. I believe it has, what, a 72% on RT? I’d say a 7.2/10 is the perfect score for this movie. It’s fine, but it doesn’t really push the envelope nor is it groundbreaking on any level. Left wing?? Joker is a right wing classic, an essential film anthem for conservative filmgoers. Them SJW slant eyed gook trannies over in china are ruining our great country! We should just nuke those godzillaheads and get it over with. The Simpson is a are funny show!!! I dont think his age is a big problem now. My issue is that we’re supposed to expect him to run for two terms, where he’ll be 87 as he leaves office. That Captain America picture is hilariously bad. I’ve never had a family before. My parents could’nt even make it to my birth in the hospital. Your post has just been shared on my “pathetic raving Nolan fanboys” facebook page. Thank you! This movie fucking sucks. The directing is pretentious, Batman breaks character and continuity from the comics and even the previous Nolan films, it’s ungodly boring, and the script is soooooo tedius. This movie is seriously one of the most boring films I’ve ever seen, and that’s coming from a person who loves 3 hour Russian and German art house films. Only a brainwashed super-obessed Nolan fanboy or a 10-year-old could ever love this movie. I’m sure Batman 4 could’ve had Bale taking a loud 3 hour Taco Bell shit and, as long as Nolan’s name was slapped on it, diehard nerd fans would be fawning over it for its “realistic depiction of Batman.” Garbage. I saw the film in theaters and I remember walking out thinking “wow, Nolan finally made a terrible movie!” Only to go home and find out fans thought it was genius! Ha! Shows how brainwashed they are. His profile picture looks like he farted and wants you to smell it. This film was tracking to underperform, but the virus has been a blessing for some of these bombs. Now they can just use the virus as an excuse, plus digital views don’t count against anything either. This movie made me wonder the same thing and apparently it is possible, though rare. The FBI reported that 5-7% of the LA Crips were hispanic and 2-3% were white in 2000. Of 30,000-35,000 members, that means roughly 3,000 could be non-black. The idea of white Crips does seem strange but it is a thing. Them slant eyed chinks think they can make movies??? Ha! Stick to Godzilla, gooks! There some minor things that knowing some of Wood’s work would help. For example, the farmer says he wants the movie to end “with a big explosion” despite the fact that the climax is already an octopus fight. This is a nod to the real movie, which suddenly ends with stock footage of an atomic bomb that has nothing to do with anything. I could see this being released. They’ll probably need anything to garner attention and money to this massive bomb. Most Peter Benchley books aren’t that good. It’s been decades since I’ve read i it’s been decades since I’ve read Jaws but I remember not liking it. Every character is an unlikable asshole and the book is filled with tons of boring and unnecessary subplots. The shark stuff was OK though. Most alt-right people genuinely think liberals will enslave them and launch some leftist new world order, so if anything, this should be their fantasy! They get to fight back and kill liberals! It’s a movie depicting how both sides are just a different type of crazy who thinks they’re doing the right thing. It’s also discussing how far how you actually have to be leaning to be considered an extremist. Sorry if you’re offended, but it’s absolutely satire. No kidding. Everytime I see the poster I think it’s some anti-slaughterhouse documentary until I click on it and am reminded that I’ve seen the trailer for this 20 times on TV already.