millsey72's Replies

Yes, its laughable when Tony tells Jackie Jr that his uncle was a rat and now living in the witness protection program. If that were the case, the logical question to ask is why is Tony not in prison since Richie worked under Tony. Who did Richie rat on? He could have said that to avoid being accused and convicted of committing war crimes for Italy during the war I'm black. Only white people can be racist Think this movie is a remake of London after Midnite Don't think he knows yet Call it The Miyagi Do Kid No. In fact, I was able to figure out that Vader was Lukes father in this movie. If you pay attention very closely, you too would have figured it out It would be better if we see all different cultures on screen regardless of the where the setting is. A borderless world you can say Its on Xumo No What really bothered me about that movie was the lack of racial diversity in China. There was just 2 black people in it and no hispanic representation Rude! Thanks for clarifying. I did always find it strange that the laughs on many old TV shows all sounded the same I just assumed he won it twice in a row considering his age Star Wars. Especially Disney Star Wars Thanks for clarifying Creighton Duke is the brother of that tough biker guy from part 3 But Moore wasn't in contention to win British Secret Service Person of the Year award. Another agent, one younger, would have won it. A world karate champion would be in his 20s to early 30s. I know. I'm a martial arts expert Johnny won it 2 times in a row too. He was going for a 3peat in The Karate Kid Tanya Roberts was so much hotter than Grace Jones