MovieChat Forums > ValentineSmith24 > Replies
ValentineSmith24's Replies
Let's see, they got Saturday Night Fever in, how bout
One of my all time faves :-)
Characters were fine. Female lead was not perfect in reality, though her facial birth mark proved nothing to dissuade his attraction/love for her.
Ps:I liked the Vin Diesel/Black lesbian!! Haha!!
Having been to the Overlook Lodge in Steamboat Springs Colo, was perfectly recreated. It certainly added a horror thrill to the mix & all goes in virtual space yet no more violent than chest busting scene earlier.
"And the future of VR is already catching up with this, if you’ve seen some of the multi-directional running boards and VR glasses available these days."
Kids are already spending most of their waking hours deeply embroiled in Vid Games, SocMedia & sexting. The tech isn't so necessary since VR is already here in spades & kids buried in it. There's a good line in film 'UPGRADE' that simply states what is about living in a VR world, its just far less painful than the real world. Someone has to wake up, what a novel idea for a film now that I think of it.
For $1.75 at RedBox am very pleased! This was a pleasant surprise for a B movie, though would have liked a little more extended ending than what was so reminiscent of Inception & Blade Runner.