ValentineSmith24's Replies

Let's see, they got Saturday Night Fever in, how bout BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE!!! One of my all time faves :-) Characters were fine. Female lead was not perfect in reality, though her facial birth mark proved nothing to dissuade his attraction/love for her. Eom Ps:I liked the Vin Diesel/Black lesbian!! Haha!! Having been to the Overlook Lodge in Steamboat Springs Colo, was perfectly recreated. It certainly added a horror thrill to the mix & all goes in virtual space yet no more violent than chest busting scene earlier. Hash: "And the future of VR is already catching up with this, if you’ve seen some of the multi-directional running boards and VR glasses available these days." Kids are already spending most of their waking hours deeply embroiled in Vid Games, SocMedia & sexting. The tech isn't so necessary since VR is already here in spades & kids buried in it. There's a good line in film 'UPGRADE' that simply states what is about living in a VR world, its just far less painful than the real world. Someone has to wake up, what a novel idea for a film now that I think of it. For $1.75 at RedBox am very pleased! This was a pleasant surprise for a B movie, though would have liked a little more extended ending than what was so reminiscent of Inception & Blade Runner.