RoboReCop's Replies

spoke too soon there buddy. Old witches have needs too. She plays good characters. Ever interesting. I haven't heard this before. Objectively, if Sanda Bullock was cast as Neo, the action scenes may possibly be a bit weak (not saying I'm correct); however, the kissing scenes and love story between Neo and Trinity would have very much been heightened, imho. I have to agree. Batman, in his own right, is a vigilantly -- a person born of means and privilege, but not of legal authority to police the streets. I had a crush on her when I was 8, watching this film in theaters haha. She was also great in 'According to Jim'. Yes, yes it does indeed. ^ Err. Batman is not working on behalf of the State; however, the local government benefits on behalf of Batman's actions... for the most part. I concur. The first time I saw her was on 'The Outer Limits' (2002) episode. I love 'ARQ' (2016), such a good [small] film. Check out 'Time Crimes' (2009) i.e., Los Cronocrímenes. ''I am a Dutchman,' that's the problem," Doctor Evil. Yes, FOX has a very bad streak of killing good shows and concepts :/ ^ bump It's good, not great, too formulaic, but still an entertaining film. Micheal Ironside was a great addition. ^ I still like 'The Next Karate Kid'… I've always wanted to eat those cookies stacked in the fridge. haha. Well, it's happening now 'Scream' (2022). That was pretty good lol