JakeSWITCH's Replies

Thank you :) [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Tallahassee is paired up with Nevada now, so there is still room for growth with his character. I think it would be fun to see the two most capable survivors playing the role of pseudo-parents and mentors to Madison and Berkeley. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] [quote]However, I struggle to see how this is a Watchmen tv show. I have read the graphic novel at least a dozen times over the years and I never felt race was really a focus/factor in the story. This show starts with the race riots in Tulsa about 100 years ago and seems to be focus on the cops fighting a war against white supremacists.[/quote] Interesting observation. I agree with you, too. From what I understand after reading some interviews, Lindelof originally wrote the script for a show that he realised had a few similarities to "Watchmen" and then the rights were acquired some time later. So, this show really didn't begin life as a sequel to Alan Moore's "Watchmen". It's based on pre-existing script that was later work-shopped and retrofitted to tie-in to the comic. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Thank you! [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] The director is planning a huge supercut that will insert even more footage (hopefully giving Mike more screen time) and rearrange the two films to resemble the structure of the novel. While that won't fix the multitude of problems in these movies (too much CGI, lack of scares, over-emphasis on humour), I agree that it will eliminate some of the bloat from 'IT Chapter 2', namely the huge amount of flashbacks to the first film and the weird way that the adults remembered encounters they had with IT as children that weren't featured in 'IT Chapter 1'. A re-sequenced supercut would also make the character development of Richie seem more organic, rather than the character suddenly becoming more prominent when played by Bill Hader in 'IT Chapter 2'. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Have you seen ‘I Am Mother’? That’s a terrific bunker sci-fi film, too. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Thanks! [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] The child sections of the novel are stronger than the adult sections, so there were always going to be problems caused by corralling them into two separate films. I also don’t think ‘IT Chapter 2’ is as well-crafted as the first film. It’s a mess. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] I enjoyed the lumberjack because it was straight from the book - I agree that it wasn’t scary. The old lady looked like a cartoonier version of the spirit from “Mama”. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] What didn’t you like about the film? [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Your welcome :) [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Yes, it was quite gruelling to sit through in a cinema. Definitely not an easy story to watch. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Yes, it was particularly disturbing considering the timing of it's release - coincidentally, it was a few days before the New Zealand mosque mass shootings. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Your welcome :) I hope you enjoy the film! [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Yes. One of the many twists was that Mother was an A.I., not a single robot. Shooting the robot was just a symbolic gesture of Daughter's independence ... that she should be allowed to raise the new humans by herself in the bunker while Mother restored the environment outside. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] From what I understand, Mother engineered or anticipated every event in the film... except for the mouse shorting out the power. The Woman's purpose was to be the final "test" for Daughter ... would Daughter abandon her responsibilities to her "brothers and sisters" if she got free of the bunker and found out the truth. Mother implies that this is why she allowed Woman to live on the beach and then later used her robots to chase her towards the shelter. However, before that, it is heavily implied that Woman is a former Daughter ... one of the embryos who either failed Mother's series of tests or was used as living tracking device to hunt down the remaining humans in the mines. Maybe Mother just wanted to see whether one of it's genetically pure babies would rise above the milieu. All Woman can remember of her childhood is being found by a couple of strangers as a baby and it's telling that Mother's haunting final line to her is "do you remember your mother?" [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] Did you know anything about the event before watching the film? [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] It's raunchy but not explicit at all. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b] The X-Men comics have featured many, many space adventures, like Magneto setting up a mutant haven on Asteroid X, the X-Men being involved in several Shi'ar civil wars, Charles Xavier having an alien love interest and Cyclops' father being revealed as a space pirate. Fox's films, perhaps due to budgetary reasons, have really only focused on Earthbound social issues (and some time travel). I'm not sure how Marvel is going to introduce all of these new elements, either. I wrote a small piece about the end of Fox's version of the X-Men here: [b][url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/feature-farewell-to-the-x-men-looking-back-at-the-first-and-best-superhero-universe[/url][/b] I agree that Fox took risks with their casting, storytelling and direction which benefited the "X-Men" films and, unfortunately, which Marvel will never try and attempt. For example, the very first "X-Men" film has Magneto's mother being dragged away to the gas chamber of a concentration camp in World War II. "Captain America: The First Avenger" barely touched on [i]the[/i] realities of Nazi Germany ... in fact, the film quickly replaced the Nazi party with Cap's war against H.Y.D.R.A. [b]-------------------------------------------- You can read all of my latest film reviews here: [url]https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake[/url][/b]