DrRedPill's Replies

"Who does cardio before weights anyway?" Some people use it as a warm up. P.E. classes sometimes make the students run track before going to the weight room. No. I don't want one either. Tattoos are chemical burns disguised as art. Piercings are for masochists. It would be a wise investment choice to hold stock in a tattoo establishment as well as a tattoo removal company to get repeat service from regretting customers. ""Red pillers" are a bunch of woman hating pussy grabbers." The term "red pill" is derived from The Matrix. It use to be a metaphor for being able to see beyond life's illusions and distractions to understand what is really important. Or what is going on behind the scenes. Unfortunately in modern times the term has being hijacked by losers who wish to live and die as genetic failures. Truth is MGTOWs are ignorant. Their philosophy is based on the assumption that men aren't as cruel and untrustworthy as their female counterparts. I can tell you for a fact that is not true. If a woman comes to me who is kind and honorable I will not turn her away. But I'm not taking the blue pill because I don't need Viagra. ;) He's made 14 threads on this one board. Yes 14 I counted them. Not exactly diversifying one's interest. I already know he's a terrible person. But obsessing over him isn't going to help. Bad presidents come and go. Don't let it bring you down. Focus on your own self improvement. That's my message. Don't worry you'll feel better in 4 to 8 years. "Because he’s currently in the Oval Office slowly destroying our democracy," How old are you? I'm 27. They've been saying that about every president from Clinton to W. Bush to Obama. So what makes Trump any different? Why are you obsessed with this guy? Your posts cover this board. They said that I wasn't economically viable. The one who's not obsessed with the n-word and race war. More like the $126 Boys Club. But honestly I didn't even know this movie existed until this report came out. According to Rotten Tomatoes even without the Spacey scandal this movie would still suck. The Mist. If they didn't want it rebooted they should have given it a proper ending. SouthPark,... seriously. That show is disgusting. It's definitely the most relatable movie since we're all on our computers. It's the movie that Slenderman should have been with more mystery and clever twists.