MovieChat Forums > nathan559
nathan559 (92)
I hope this is good.
terrible compare to the original but better than the rest?
the king
Larry David
i dont get why all the hate...
who can dig up trumps imdb forum page before he ran for prez?
should of got daniel-day lewis or johnny depp to play to joker in this..
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atleast admit it is spike jonzes best?
well he made tv again in 2017 so anything is possible i guess
i think i will watch ep9 but i havent seen solo yet so im starting 2 tune out.
rogue one was pretty decent i thought
i agree 100% compare to luke, han, princess l, kenobi, chewy, darth vader, yoda, fett, even hayden chris LOL
they are shit but what can you really do about it?
its a shame that the skywalker fam turned out to be shit
atleast adam driver is a cool actor that does other things than star wars
they made a fiction story even more fiction.
dude tbh i also hated force awakens but then i just thought "fuck it atleast they are still making star wars"
i ate the member berries and am just along for the ride haha.
c'mon there were also some cool parts
rey and kylo had some cooked 2017 romance going on
AP they used Rian Johnson as the writer/director...
someone who was 2 young and just didnt have the experience to make something as big as a star wars movie.
i love looper and brick but the guy took alot more on his plate than what he could handle by entering star wars.
SO what did you really expect?
he did an okay job.. he just made a star wars movie for kids..
it doesnt suck though LOL
its just another star wars movie
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